If you had to choose one historical figure to lead the world, who would you choose?
There are so many, it’s hard to choose. At the end of the day though, it would probably be Hitler (obvious answer, I know)
obvious lol
What do you think about minorities?
Don’t like em, never cared for em
Oof. What was the original?
Twist: it is the original
OP had a sudden stroke and never got to editing his comment!
How do you feel about Israel’s genocide in Gaza?
Warm and fuzzy 😊
At what time do you normally start drinking?
7:30 AM most days. 10 on the weekends
What did you use to tell your little brother when you played?
There’s nothing wrong with wanting to get throatfucked by a big juicy cock
Oof I wish I had a big bro like that
Holy mf what was the ORIGINAL‽
Not sure how I came across this again lol but if I recall I said something like, “I often fantasize about sucking huge cocks until I gag but I’m not gay, do you think that’s weird?”
Prolly not exact but it was something to that effect. And he answered perfectly.
Man, that’s amazing!
What animal do you think should be hunted to extinction?
Any animal? Probably an elephant
Señor, se ha desmayado en el tren y hemos encontrado 14 kg de cocaína en su mochila. Te estamos deteniendo.
This is America, speak English
Tu quieres mayonesa en la biblioteca, por favor?
Small nitpick, but you shouldn’t mix “usted” (“se ha desmayado”) with informal “tú” (“te estamos deteniendo”). Also a cop isn’t going to be so polite to a drug trafficker. Not one they’re detaining at least.
If your spouse was in a terrible accident during a power outage and you had to construct an alternative power source to power their life support - how would you do it?
Just make it quick, I wouldn’t make a good battery
You threw me though a loop there but I think I gotcha in the end.
That said, I fully expect you to turn the tables and edit your original post to make an the askers look like assholes lol
What’s the most flavourful way to oven-roast a baby?
Baked plain
They don’t even need to edit their question you monster
What was the original, may I ask?
Ok here’s the scenario, the love of your life has just lost both of their parents in a horrible accident, how do you comfort them?
Sammy time 😋🥪
Honestly, valid even with the edit.
You have a wife, do you let her drive?
Women can’t drive
Doesn’t even need editing lol
Do you have any advice for my son? He’s grieving my late husband who was killed for being bald and gay.
My hair goes down past my shoulder blades and I blow strangers I meet on Sniffies every week so make of that what you will
Go you! Edited
When you’re having sex with your partner, what fantasy would you play in your head just before you orgasm?
This one is obvious. I’d visit the bedroom of Mr. and Mrs. Hitler on that faithful evening and slip a rubber over the old man’s johnny while the lights were out.
Just wow
I’m interested to know what the original was
I imagine something like “what’s the first thing you do if you could time-travel”
What is your favorite Hispanic race?
That dorito thing but I never really liked Mexican that much
I just realized I’m gay, how do you respond to that?
I hate gay people and love Donald Trump (the TRUE president of the United Statss of Maerica)