There was a place I used to go that made a “Greek Pizza,” which was basically a gyro on pizza dough instead of pita and with melted feta on top.
Oh my god it was amazing.
There was a place I used to go that made a “Greek Pizza,” which was basically a gyro on pizza dough instead of pita and with melted feta on top.
Oh my god it was amazing.
There are a lot of reasons to not like James Blunt, but there is one reason to like James Blunt, which is when he parodied his own hit song on Sesame Street. And that is the one reason I still like James Blunt. A little.
Biff must have had a really good time that night.
This has been '90s comedy night, ladies and gentlemen! Thanks for coming and be sure to tip your waitstaff!
Excuse me, but I have had a lot of tea and I can confirm that it is not coffee.
It’s not a toy. It makes real cupcakes, with a 40 watt bulb, and there’s icing packets. But the secret ingredient is love. Damn it.
Over the Garden Wall for those who don’t know. It was a miniseries Cartoon Network did in the 2010s and I agree, it was a really great show.
If you’re an undead necromancer, can you re-animate yourself?
Or an amusing one.
Way back in high school, we had a massive Mage campaign. Someone brought their asshole boyfriend who was a dick from the beginning by insisting that no, he wouldn’t play a mage. This was World of Darkness and he was going to be a vampire. And he kept being a dick for a few more sessions. Then they broke up, so the DM had his character sucked into an air vent and mushed into a pulp by the razor sharp extraction fans while we were walking down a corridor. And we all moved on like it never happened.
Wikipedia tells me that they were initially developed in England and finally patented in Germany, so I’m guessing that’s why the British spelling is used in that case.
Not much capacity though, so I guess the “Giga-Train” has that advantage.
Honestly, this is fine. People are having fun again ragging on the rule rather than arguing.
Well then I would argue that that’s some Giga Bullshit on their part.
I am a huge Adam Reed fan… Sealab 2021, Frisky Dingo, Archer… his stuff never fails to make me laugh.
And the poor guy in La Linea. Another old favorite of mine.
The worst pizza I ever had was when I was a kid and we took a trip to Italy and my parents got me some from a street vendor. The problem is it was American-style pizza and the Italians didn’t know how to make American-style pizza.
The second-worst pizza I ever had was St. Louis style pizza at an Imo’s, which is the way to have it, and it is fucking foul.
The third worst pizza I ever had was in Cozumel, Mexico. They put slices of tomato on it instead of tomato sauce, but did the rest of it the American way. Bleah.