• 2 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 30th, 2023

  • So you want to print the bulk of the print normal but exterior perimiters only in a lower layer height? I don’t think any slicers do that but I don’t see any reason why it wouldn’t work and potentially give a higher resolution exterior finish in less time than just lowering the layer height for the whole print.

    edit: just saw that someone already pointed out that cura does essentially this but the infill being the focus, and that you already saw it.

  • the acids used in brewery for sanitization can wreck metals too. we had some plated brass fittings that got mixed in with the stainless stuff and the acid water turned green and the brass was exposed. some other formerly shiny parts turned grey and chalky and very soft. Some places love their brass but I just want everything to be stainless so I can leave it soaking in sani for as lonng as I’m too lazy to deal with it which is forever.

  • there was a time when I saw a food show on tv about steamed burger place. I thought it seemed easy enough so I tried making it myself. The burger runoff water/grease left over got dumped next to a tree in my yard. For the next several weeks everyone walking their dog would have to wrangle it awag from the spot because they would zoom in as soon as they smelled it. I also tried dumping it on the road thinking the rain would wash it away but the rain just chilled and hardened it and dogs would lick it up, further distressing their humans.

    edit: also recommend trying the food. steamed cheese is spoogy and really neat on burger

  • I find vegan cooking to be easier, but I’m not a vegan and will eat meat at restaurants or if someone else cooks, or at least cuts the meat which is a total pain in the ass and leaves packaging that makes the garbage stink like nothing else.

    The bitching is universal though. I used to take my dad’s home cooked food to school and one that got the most questions was the spicy tofu and pork. I could call it literally ‘tofu and pork’ and people would ask if im vegan and if that’s why I’m not muscular at all etc.