Ah the eternal war of the dawnies and the duskies…
I think a lot of the issue is that it’s possible to shift to a 24 hour economy with morning and night shifts, but (like remote working pre-covid) we hear a lot of “it’s not possible”.
Maybe but you can read a lot of negative impact on overnight shifts. At one point I considered it / working for a startup where we were all doing insane hours - my manager actually demanded I be both first in and last out. Good riddance to that toxic place but working overnight would have been the closest to a sane choice.
Ah the eternal war of the dawnies and the duskies…
I think a lot of the issue is that it’s possible to shift to a 24 hour economy with morning and night shifts, but (like remote working pre-covid) we hear a lot of “it’s not possible”.
Maybe but you can read a lot of negative impact on overnight shifts. At one point I considered it / working for a startup where we were all doing insane hours - my manager actually demanded I be both first in and last out. Good riddance to that toxic place but working overnight would have been the closest to a sane choice.