Why, a hexvex of course!

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • You definitely have a point; informing and evangelising are closer than we’d like to admit. Then again, the messenger is often as important as the message - in the case of the vegan debate too many folks choose the moral option rather than the pragmatic one.

    As a species, we find it hard to empathise with the death of our own at massive scales, why would we be capable of doing it for organisms we were brought up to consider food?

    However, almost all of us are on a massively reduced budget, it’d be a shame if folks shared delicious recipes that can be made cheaply and just so happen to be vegan right?

    The next best thing for a non-vegan to do isn’t to switch right away, it’s to start finding vegan things you enjoy more than meat!

  • The best thing for a vegan to do is to keep being a vegan. Seriously, just keep on doing it.

    It doesn’t mean evangelise, it doesn’t mean denigrate, it means just carry on doing what works for you.

    If you’re insulting other folks, or trying to push a lifestyle, odds are folks don’t dislike you because you’re vegan.

  • I think we don’t give gradual acclimatisation enough credit here. Most of my students have never heard of Firefox and tools like ublock origin because they’re acclimatised to the mobile ecosystem

    “How do I install something? I use the app store.”

    “Oh, but I already have the internet on my phone, why would I want a 3rd party app to use the internet” (think old people who mix up AOL with the internet in reverse!)

    As soon as I show them, they convert in seconds - they’ve forgotten web pages without adverts can exist.

  • I suppose it’s similar to the discussion older and more successful men have about avoiding “gold diggers”, “bear traps”, and “black widows”. Not all women are after a man’s money, but those that are will actively seek out such men, so you’ll never be safe. One wrong move and you’re suddenly working overtime the rest of your life to pay child support for a child conceived without your consent. Whereas, a bear would only run into us by chance, and would be more likely to leave us alone if we dropped our food and calmly walked away.

    Edited note for clarity and posterity: Stereotypes are always hilariously offensive - I think some people just learned that.

  • I think a lot of equity arguments bug me because they often fail to address the real issue (at least in the workplace). It’s a matter of attitude, rather than parity/proportionality.

    However much we hate it, the majority of people in a stem field will still seek a straight white man out when we look for authority/expertise. That isn’t because they are the greatest expert, or that they hold the highest accessible authority, but because it is an ingrained belief. That’s just wrong, on so very many levels, that I cannot even begin to express how stupid it is.

    Some people have spotted this issue, but their solution is abhorrent - denigrate this group. Raise a generation that looks on this group with contempt, to at least remove the component of authority. It will solve the problem, but it will create a lot more down the line as it becomes the accepted solution. Shall we have a generational genetic lottery forever?

    Oddly enough, I think the “blurring of gender lines” brought about by the trans movement might offer a more meaningful solution to some part of this problem, as it erases the categories themselves, rather than attempting to shift their position.