It’s even better than that. There’s a vsauce video that talks about what a hole really is and then abstracts the human body down to its holes. I think there’s like 7 iirc. 2 nipples, 2 tear ducts 4 holes in the eye near the tear ducts, 2 nostrils and your mouth
It’s the topology of the object. Essentially flatten the object into a 2 dimensional plane. Something like a mug or donut will have a hole in it after flattening, these items have 1 hole. Different objects flatten into a different number of holes. It’s really hard for me to parae anything more complicated than 1 hole with my head, but that’s essentially the process.
I do not recall the vsauce video explicitly, but this should be the logic they’re using. It gets waaay more difficult to parae on something like a human, with a bunch of different tracts and splits and shit.
We’re all just donuts. Run the connector mouth to butt with a really long flexible hose.
Human singlepede
Put some balls on it so I can rotate it and give myself a niiiiiiice massage ifuknowhatimsayin’
It’s even better than that. There’s a vsauce video that talks about what a hole really is and then abstracts the human body down to its holes. I think there’s like 7 iirc.
2 nipples,2 tear ducts4 holes in the eye near the tear ducts, 2 nostrils and your mouthEdit: correct holes lol
What about your anus and your urethra?
Anus is connected to the mouth. Urethra isn’t a through hole I don’t believe…could be wrong though.
Tear ducts are connected to the nostrils. I really don’t get what the criteria for “hole” is, here.
It’s the topology of the object. Essentially flatten the object into a 2 dimensional plane. Something like a mug or donut will have a hole in it after flattening, these items have 1 hole. Different objects flatten into a different number of holes. It’s really hard for me to parae anything more complicated than 1 hole with my head, but that’s essentially the process.
I do not recall the vsauce video explicitly, but this should be the logic they’re using. It gets waaay more difficult to parae on something like a human, with a bunch of different tracts and splits and shit.
Just watch the video