Would it be fine for a white actor in makeup to play a black character
Yes, black face is its own thing where the representation is offensive. The problem is the portrayal being offensive but acting is acting
It was a remake of the Disney animated film that a bunch of people lost their shit over
Then yeah put the girl in make up if she’s playing a white character. She would have gotten the role for being the best candidate and that would hold true either way
real half-fish daughters of the god of the sea are white.
Disney’s original character was but that doesn’t mean everyone is
Yes, black face is its own thing where the representation is offensive. The problem is the portrayal being offensive but acting is acting
Then yeah put the girl in make up if she’s playing a white character. She would have gotten the role for being the best candidate and that would hold true either way
Disney’s original character was but that doesn’t mean everyone is
You really don’t understand what blackface is.
I think you’re the confused one
No I’m not. A white actor putting on dark-skinned makeup to play a black person is literally blackface.
I have no idea what you think blackface is, but you’re wrong.
It has to be a racist depiction
Shit like this https://www.washingtonpost.com/resizer/STELIW3P3CDQ-KaLiTV427gxUtw=/1484x0/arc-anglerfish-washpost-prod-washpost.s3.amazonaws.com/public/2CZ6Y2D72UI6HFOGBJ5KQCDUXQ.jpg
If it’s just a black character then it doesn’t matter
It is racist just by virtue of being a white person playing a black person. FFS. Where are you even getting this from?
that’s not racist, nor is a black person in white or asian role
Get with the times
I’m guessing you don’t know any black people, but you probably should go find one and ask them if they agree with you.
I do, we are leftists