• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • GUI and CLI are tools, both with separate advantages and disadvantages.

    CLI let’s you chain different commands easily to create functionality that originally wasn’t there. It’s really flexible, but it’s also very non-obvious. Even after more than a decade of Linux usage, I still find new commands I have never heard of that do exactly what I wanted to do for a while.

    GUI is great for visual stuff (nobody in their right mind would do video/audio/image editing on CLI). It’s also very obvious/explorable, so you tend to find functionality much quicker. That makes it great for any tools that you don’t use on a daily basis. And GUIs can utilise the bandwidth of human visual input much better, which makes them better whenever large amounts of data are presented.

    Neither CLI nor GUI are better, they just have different use cases where they are better.

    And it annoys me a lot that people don’t get that.

    When you say “X is better than Y”, you always need to state for what it is better.

  • Your actions do nothing. You complain on the internet about some guy that said something you don’t like. Nobody from FSF is gonna read it. And neither will Stallman or anyone that matters.

    I don’t see you boycotting software related to FSF. And even if you do, it doesn’t even matter, since the overwhelming majority of FOSS users never donate any money at all.

    You are no customer of the FSF, you just enjoy their stuff for free.

    So your actions amount to angry screaming into a box.

  • Apparently, Stallman is a net positive for them, so they keep him.

    Doesn’t mean that they in any way endorse pedophilia.

    And the freedom of association also doesn’t mean that a bunch of enraged people online have the freedom to decide whom they associate with.

    And apparently, in the USA there is a whole party devoted to child marriage and other ways to have sex with minors. That might be the better point to start, because they actually have a say regarding laws on that matter.

  • I’m pretty sure that most people are mature enough to differentiate between an organization that makes software and nothing at all to do with kids and/or sexuality and that old wierdo’s personal views.

    We live in a world where huge corporations with a revenue higher than the GDP of many countries routinely exploit child labour and work their workers to death or suicide, burning whole countries and pushing climate change while at it. And yet we collectively shrug and still buy Nestle, Apple, Samsung or H&M.

    A shitstorm towards such a niche and unknown organisation as the FSF really doesn’t matter. We all know the Stallman and the FSF, because we are into computers, software and/or open source. But ask any random person on the street, thew wouldn’t know who Stallman or the FSF is if you told them that it’s not Android but actually Chrome/Android SDK/Dalvik/Toybox/Linux that runs on their phone.

  • I totally disagree with Stallman’s views and personally I do find them pretty worrying.

    But I also disagree with the concept that employers should be the executive of the court of public opinion.

    We have real courts and real police, we don’t need to invent a secondary one where people lose their jobs due to shitstorms.

    If you think he did something illegal, report him to the police or sue him. If not, then this is freedom of speech. Even though he uses the freedom to voice a pretty crappy opinion.

    I mean, if everyone who said something that lots of people disagree with, I guess we would all be unemployed now.

  • Minimum order quantity for the populated board is 2. That costs, iirc, around €20 for both plus shipping (if you are patient, that’s a few more €).

    This micro soldering part can by now be ordered to be included in the assembly, so that you don’t have to solder it. I haven’t tried the process of ordering extended parts from JLCPCB, but if that works, that’s another ~€10. Otherwise you’ll have to source it yourself and end up with a similar price.

    The Blackberry keyboards go for €3-6 on Aliexpress.

    A 5-pack of the USB connectors is about €10 on Amazon, but on Ali you can get one for ~€1.

    That’s all the electronics, so for two of them, that’s about €40-50.

    You also need a 3D print, which costs around €1 if you print it yourself or get a friend to do it. If you order it, that can be anything from €10 to €50. The cost of these services varies wildly. You might need to print it multiple times to get the tolerances exactly right. So if you get access to a printer, that would save a lot of money.

    But all in all, if you manage to build two and both work fine, there are lots of people on Lemmy, Reddit or Crackberry who offered me to pay €100 for a ready-made one.