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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • Because the training, and therefore the datasets are an important part of the work with AI. A lot of ppl are arguing that therefore, the ppl who provided the data (e.g. artists) should get a cut of the revenue or a static fee or something similar for compensation. Because looking at a picture is deemed fine in our society, but copying it and using it for something else is seen more critically.

    Btw. I am totally with you regarding the need to not hinder progress, but at the end of the day, we need to think about both the future prospects and the morality.

    There was something about labels being forced to pay a cut of the revenue to all bigger artists for every CD they’d sell. I can’t remember what it was exactly, but something like that could be of use here as well maybe.

  • “scam bot operators will just use stolen credits cards -”

    And that’s not true. Yes, there will be a small portion that do it, but this is where this idea is pretty smart.

    Taking your credit card information is a functional hurdle, but also a legal risk.

    There’s a bunch of companies and people who will stop using bots just because they can’t implement it, don’t want to implement it, or don’t have the time. Also, don’t forget if there’s one person who provides 10.000 active bots, that means providing credit card information 10.000x times, but also 120.000$ per year. If you wanna do it legally, this shit is expensive, and probably not worth it for a lot of ppl.

    And there’s also a bunch of ppl who are weighting the risk of being exposed for fake credit cards, and they stop using bots because they are not willing to commit fraud.

    I get that this will turn off even more users and it’s obviously a bad pr move, but you can’t understate that it is quite effective for the things he says he wants to achieve.

  • I disagree.

    Both sides are bad, no matter who is currently the aggressor.

    Now because there is aggression, the aggressor has an obligation to stop it, and we have an obligation to force a stop in the conflict as well. But that doesn’t make the other party less Bad in this. Both sides killed a lot of innocent people, both have inhumane ulterior motives and both are supporting further escalation. But ofc if there’s only one party doing the fighting, then that’s the party that acutely needs to be stopped.

    This distinction is very important to me, because you are not suddenly the good guy because you stopped killing civilians. You are just not actively doing war crimes which means we don’t have to intervene because of you anymore, which is at least one less reason. But you are not holy because “this year it was only 300 war crimes”.

  • One could think you’re proposing this as an alternate solution. It’s not. And Brexit is the biggest proof.

    That said implementing backdoors is so backwards it’s creative in the worst way. You basically prepare the tools for a rogue government, rogue government employee, or a knowledgeable malicious actor to grab secure information from the silver plater. It’s the dumbest shit.