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Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Oh, there’s more fun in the article.

    They also faked the look of rich cream by using a yellowish layer of pureed calf brains. As a historian of the Indiana health department wrote: “People could not be induced to eat brain sandwiches in [a] sufficient amount to use all the brains, and so a new market was devised.”

    “Surprisingly enough,’’ he added, “it really did look like cream but it coagulated when poured into hot coffee.”

  • People tend to forget the Food part that the Food and Drug Administration take care of. Here’s milk before 1906:

    Finally, if the milk was threatening to sour, dairymen added formaldehyde, an embalming compound long used by funeral parlors, to stop the decomposition, also relying on its slightly sweet taste to improve the flavor. In the late 1890s, formaldehyde was so widely used by the dairy and meat-packing industries that outbreaks of illnesses related to the preservative were routinely described by newspapers as “embalmed meat” or “embalmed milk” scandals.


  • Like even if there were no ads you’d learn how to help in a timely manner.

    “What’s up guys! It’s me, your boy, MikeyMedic here with another video of a standard first aid technique, the Abdominal Thrusts!! Now the Abdominal Thrust is a standard first aid trick that is used to help someone when they’re choking 5 minutes on things you can choke on Speaking of food to choke on, our sponsor this week is FoodBox! 3 minutes of FoodBox ad Abdominal Thrusts used to be called the Heimlich Maneuver! Henry Heimlich was… 5 minute history on the Heimlich Maneuver and now I’m going to perform an abdominal thrust on my friend, Someguy420! Check out his videos on another 2 minutes for a partner plug and then 1 minute on how to perform abdominal thrusts And that’s how you perform an abdominal thrust! Be sure to check out my other videos. 3 minutes on other video content, liking and subscribing and hitting that bell.