• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • To offer the counterpoint:

    Local and private communities, if they remain only for meta content, is fine. But if they are used for other content, because they don’t want other instances seeing or interacting with it, it can permit an instance to isolate itself and its content from the rest of the fediverse, while still being able to enjoy all the shared content from other instances. I.e. show me yours, but I won’t show you mine.

    Then, if these local only communities are the only places where people on that instance are sharing certain content, it’s breaking the whole idea that it shouldn’t matter what instance you’re on. If instances can remain insular, it starts making more instances attractive based on their size. “If you want to enjoy this content, come join our instance.”

    Also safer spaces for groups targeted by bigots

    Then they need to ban the bigots. Why should only the people on that instance have access to the safe space? Why is someone from another instance instantly judged as making the safe space less safe? It’s basically saying “come join our instance”, which is, again, going to cause unintended consequences.

  • deweydecibel@lemmy.worldtoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlAI layoffs
    25 days ago

    Maybe the central problem is racing to put other people out of work period, regardless of who they are. Maybe putting people out of work is not a net benefit for society, it’s actually negative in the long run, and only truly a benefit for shareholders. They don’t need any more of those at the expense of the working class.

  • That’s not nearly shitty enough. It’s too useful. Look at all the options and other clickable things you got on the start menu, and it only took one click to open it.

    That’s not how this works anymore. If this were truly made today, it would be needlessly “streamlined”, i.e. everything is hidden so as not to “clutter up” the UI with useful things, and make more room for…nothing. Just wasted space.

    We hide everything behind multiple clicks now because the “average user” starts bleeding out their eyes if they’re forced to see many things at once.

  • Both Lee and Lyman retweeted a post from Libs of TikTok, which the Washington Post says has amassed an audience of millions on X, largely by targeting LGBTQ+ people. In the video, a group of students speaking over each other complain that some students at the school wear masks and pounce on people.

    This is kind of tacked on at the end. Looks like nothing actually happened or was reported to have happened, but one video of some kid saying it was happening in the middle of an argument got shared by a hate group on TikTok.

    Matter of fact, the story seems to indicate the kids wearing animal ear headbands got food thrown at them, but didn’t actually do anything except take them off when asked. So we have a student bullying another student and the bullied student is somehow the thing that got inflated into being a problem.

  • The Jetsons:

    George Jetson went to work everyday at Spacely Sprockets and pushed a button. A single button. That was his whole job. The whole businesses was automated to the point George did not have to do anything except sit and press the button.

    And he made enough money in that job to support a family of 4 in a nice house, as the sole bread winner.

    Imagine that: A future where the benefits of automation technology are not solely for the wealthy and business owners. Automation and AI making people’s jobs easier, instead of simply replacing them. Businesses that employ people to do jobs that could be automated, but don’t, because people need living wages regardless of how easy the work has become.