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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: January 23rd, 2024


  • I took my kid to the doctor, and when we left she asked if we could go visit the places I grew up and went to school. Drove by my grade school but didn’t stop in, still in session. Went by my junior high and there was my science teacher, she was probably a few years from retirement.

    I said hi and we talked for a bit, told her “no, not a parent, you were my teacher almost 30 years ago”, and she got a huge smile on her face and was really happy one of her students recognized her and talked with her for a while.

    Made the trip worth it, but I am glad she didn’t remember me. Was a shithead kid in junior high, but I think we all kind of were at that age.

  • A lot of it has to do with the title, as it insinuates you either have an understanding, or are the reason women would pick the bear. This completely leaves out the innocuous “I don’t understand” group of men, which makes up a large chunk of people.

    They don’t understand, so they are a predator? Well now they have joined the conversation on the wrong side which contributes to the defensiveness and increases the toxicity.

    Most men will never have to deal with someone stalking us. We don’t live in fear of a male attacker trying to rape us, roofy us, and in fact most dudes get to walk around like male lions most our lives and just hang out not worrying about much of anything. I was this way until having close female friends in the army, and we had a candid conversation about this when I took one of them home after she had been slipped something.

    I have been ridiculously aware of the man-in-the-woods since then, and it has gotten more keen after having kids.

  • I was in the smoky mountains with my kids camping, and we heard a bear digging around. My kids started crying, they for sure knew they were dead.

    I got out of the tent, stomped my feet so the bear heard me and wasn’t startled, and then went “boogaaboogaaa” and raised my arms. Poor little black bear went running off and kept looking back.

    And my kids had a really cool story about when their dad chased away a giant scary bear.

  • I knew I had to have the talk about men when my girls turned nine. They were playing basketball and one of the dads made a comment about a girl and said “she is going to grow up and look like Mia Kalif (I don’t know how to spell her name, the porn star) and be a hot piece of ass.”

    Oh, yeah…you mean that nine year old? The fuck is wrong with you.