• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • Alright, so, the original rule 1 that was referenced in the first modlog when you posted this to /c/worldnews refers to the community rules for /c/worldnews :

    Rule 1: posts have the following requirements:
        Post news articles only
        Video links are NOT articles and will be removed.
        Title must match the article headline
        Not United States Internal News
        Recent (Past 30 Days)
        Screenshots/links to other social media sites (Twitter/X/Facebook/Youtube/reddit, etc.) are explicitly forbidden, as are link shorteners

    You then broke rule 2 on /c/technology, which I think a mod explained well.

    On /c/youshouldknow, you were also breaking rule 1, which is a different rule 1 than before becaise it’s a different community.

    /c/youshouldknow community’s rule 1:

    Rule 1- All posts must begin with YSK

    Like… every community has their own rules.
    Here, you lucked out and don’t break any obvious rules whether you read them or not.