I do a lot of photography and I share it on my deviant art page.

It’s SFW, don’t worry.

  • 28 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Depends on how much recoil you get from each shot and how many shots you get before you have to reload

    Short bursts towards center of mass is best. You might not hit a head, hitting extremities is basically worthless for dropping a combatant, center of mass is where all the really important stuff is concentrated.

    The benefits of growing up around ex military is that you get trained by them as a child

  • It was a very long day that started with a nice easy plan that quickly turned into “Which POS part is preventing this thing from working”

    Fun fact it was the motherboard. Though it wasn’t a consistent issue sometimes it was RAM failing, sometimes it was pcie not working, sometimes it was networking not working, etc. After swapping the motherboard everything worked beautifully.

    Yes we tried reseating the CPU, yes we checked for bent pins, yes we made sure the cables were secure. Something was fucky with the motherboard.

  • I’ve used mine for a lot of stuff really

    Weaken adhesive for opening a cell phone (like your picture)

    Revive a Nexus 5X long enough to patch it and transfer the data off of it (a really frustrating process BTW)

    Heat treat resin prints (place print in box, set box on bed, set bed to 80C, come back in an hour, turn bed off, wait for it to hit ambient, remove box) this process is great for hollowed prints as not only will it cause and trapped alcohol to evaporate out but it will further cure the part and increase the durability of the part as well (CNC Kitchen has a great vid on it)

    Keep my coffee warm while I was building and setting up a NAS for a friend

  • This year I actually found a combination of allergy meds that works for me (yes combination, 1 just doesn’t do it for me)

    It’s straight up bliss not having to wear a face mask for a couple months just to not die

    Edit: Yes I consulted my doctor before doing multiple at a time. In fact the 2 I’m taking right now (Allegra and Flonase) were the 2 they recommended I try together.

  • Torque specs are really really important and not enough people know that to be the case

    It’s no fun at all having to tap an engine block because someone didn’t RTFM. I’ve done it twice (on the same car 3 years apart) because my brother didn’t RTFM the first time, and then still hadn’t when he tried to do the water pump on his Subaru the second time. I told him that the next time it needs done to call me and I’ll do it for him for the cost of parts. He just has to call me and not fucking touch it.

    For those that don’t know: RTFM stands for Read The Fucking Manual.

  • Nah mate, some torque specs are so low that you’ll strip it out before you hear such a thing.

    Like the water pump bolts on my brother’s Subaru. 7 ft/lbs was the torque spec. Now with the new bolts I had to put in there after having to drill and tap the block it’s at the correct torque spec. He cored all but 1 bolt out before I could stop him.