It is really some of his better work, and that’s saying something since u/lukmly013 has never created a single meme that is compromised, shameful, made for simply pragmatic reasons, or uninteresting. Even his failures are spectacular due to his Wagnerian treatment of subjects. I read a quote somewhere where, ironically, he once said he considers his prose and poetry writings as having more enduring value than his memes.
why share a censored image? you can literally replace the text in MS paint.
Because it’s a pain in the ass to uncensored shit sometimes.
Here, uncensored your censored meme. Wasn’t worth it.
Would have been easier to just remake it from scratch
Best I can do:

what an evocative interpretation. great work
It is really some of his better work, and that’s saying something since u/lukmly013 has never created a single meme that is compromised, shameful, made for simply pragmatic reasons, or uninteresting. Even his failures are spectacular due to his Wagnerian treatment of subjects. I read a quote somewhere where, ironically, he once said he considers his prose and poetry writings as having more enduring value than his memes.
A masterpiece! Bravo!
Perfect replica, no notes 😆