• Evrala@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    You can feed cats a vegan diet and have them be healthy, but it is a pain in the ass to keep the cats healthy, something that most the owners do not do. They buy the food and feed their cats without doing the tests, and their cats suffer for it

    You need to regularly test their urine ph levels about once every couple weeks in order to adjust their meals so they’re getting the right nutrients. I’ve seen one owner, one, where their cat is fed a vegan diet and is healthy, and it looks like a nightmare of hassle to go through because without the tests you don’t know something is wrong until it is VERY wrong. And once you get the right food figured out for your cats, you still need to take them to the vet once a month to get their urine tested because the nutrients they need can change. And yes, if you go through all of this on average your cat may be healthier than one on a typical meat diet, but you’re still dealing with monthly visits to the vet to maintain that diet.

    My solution to all of this as a vegan is to not have a meat earing pet. Parrots are amazing. They’re smart, they don’t constantly think about murder, they’re social and fun and live a long time.

    Or bunnies, they don’t need as much socialization as parrots do to avoid going crazy.

    Dogs don’t need near as much work to live on a vegan diet cause they’re carnivores that adapted to being omnivores to be around humans over a very long period of time.