I’ve been toying with the idea to implementing HA for a couple of years.

I have no fewer than 10 “smart device” apps on my phone and the privacy implications make me sick. I’ve been a Google Home and it’s been a sad experience.

Over the holidays, I got Proxmox working on an old laptop and ordered a ZigBee stick and some sensors.

Installing HA using helper scripts was dummy easy and the laptop is performing solidly. Got hung up on network setup and z2m but pulled through with some Google-fu.

Did I have to do some tinkering? Yes. Can I control all - literally ALL - my smart devices on one customizable dashboard? F*** YEAH!

I am looking forward to accomplishing more, unplugging from the cloud, learning a lot, and hopefully making some life tasks less annoying.

Thank you to this community for the awesome work, conversation, and inspiration!

  • Matt The Horwood
    3 months ago

    great job, I didnt go the self install route.But used HASSOS. The best thing I have had with HA is setting up a broadlink socket, the app could not connect. Turns out HA has seen them an linked up, blocking the app