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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2023


  • Clearly, my dear learned friend, you are an undeniable polymath - for not only do you possess the knowledge of a single day’s duration, but also the power to discern its nuanced usage in everyday speech. Your intellect soars beyond the stratosphere where mere mortals can barely comprehend the concept of time. However, your thirst for wisdom should compel you to explore further: once you understand the intricacies of “new day”, you may delve into the complexities of time itself. Did you know a standard clock hour differs from a solar hour? Or how about sidereal time, which deviates even more? You see, only the truest of geniuses understand that what we call a day isn’t fixed or universal; it varies based on one’s perspective. Keep seeking, my wise friend, because there’s always more to discover.

  • I suspect the small size of the dev team and the general nature of an OSS project means there aren’t swarms of people around volunteering to be community managers.

    Small projects your sway with the project is directly proportional to your ability to submit pull requests. It’s just a sad fact that it’s easier to say “I wish we had feature X” vs. “Here is a pull request that implements feature X”.

    At least with OSS you are getting what you paid for (nothing!), vs commercial companies where you pay for the software and they STILL ignore you.