• 0 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2020

  • Sorry, if you remove my ability to interact with posts through the all feed, I will stop using this site. With how little content exists on this platform, there’s little point in curating a feed. You either visit a specific community for specific information, or you browse all. It would just be an annoyance anyway, akin to the awful reddit “no-participation link”. These measures do absolutely nothing to stop bad faith actors and only serve to annoy normal users and push them away from the site.

  • How is the mobile app terrible? I’ve been using it for years with no issues, and it has many extensions that chrome on Android doesn’t allow like adblocking.

    The tabs in FF are great, for years now FF has been much better at handing huge accounts of passive tabs, and there are tons of extensions to provide any functionality you could want.

    I guarantee you if you just install a few extensions that you like and use it for a week you won’t even notice any more.

  • This is a decent article, at least for the most part: I actually don’t like their examples for the “Preposition of Time” stuff at all, the versions with commas are just bad writing.

    But basically it just comes down to whether the sentence/clause can be parsed unambiguously without the commas. There is no syntactical difference between “I as a German asked…” and “I, as a German, asked…”. It’s entirely a style choice.

  • Okay, yes, those are all valid places to put commas, good job – except for the one after “So”, which actually decreases the legibility. It would be better to surround “for example” with commas.

    However, none of them are grammatically necessary. The original comment is totally fine and can be parsed unambiguously as-is. I would support the colon insertion above any of your commas.

  • verdigris@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlYeee yee
    3 months ago

    Okay great job you dressed up some hateful shit with jingoistic buzzwords. What’s your point? We’ve all heard this before, no one is unaware of the rationalizations that conservatives tell themselves to justify their hatred and selfishness as tough love and societal stewardship.

  • verdigris@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlApple
    4 months ago

    At least there’s choice with Android. I’d much rather it was possible for FOSS phones to actually exist but in the meantime the lock-in with Apple is an absolute non-starter, as is basically everything about their UX philosophy.