Want more GNU in Linux, so Guix, btw. पूंजीपति will be sent to corrective labour camp.

  • 9 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 3rd, 2023


  • But that logic makes no sense, tbf, given how container was way back in BSD. I like how it is a balanced choice between an ephemeral environment and virtualization.

    If we are talking about how NodeJS is the biggest pain in the ass to maintain for distros, and how they’ve forcibly tied V8 into the repository, that I’d agree gladly.

    As a friendly trash-dev, I’d recommend never to open the deps folder, I’d bet that most of you folks will have a stroke.

  • Downvotes are for rule breaking content, not for covering your big feelings.

    You’re wrong about that. There’s the report button for that.

    By the way, I did not down-vote you, but about the criticism towards your work, yes, the info-graphics isn’t well done, because you crammed all that in one single image. I was able to read it, but it was painful.

    Another concern is the small dataset. It is in two digits, which isn’t a proper representation of the general consensus.

  • velox_vulnus@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlSplitters!
    21 days ago

    RSP is a proper communist party, with it’s root in the HSRA, the original revolutionary communist party in British India. Communist parties break away a lot, because they disagree with each other. Coming with names is hard, because they’re already taken, so they have to use the word related to ‘socialism’.