• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023

  • UK you have the concept of black box car insurance that offered a substantial discount for having either a dedicated device installed into the car or an app on your phone that tracks a bunch of stats as you drive. It’s as shit as it sounds as it marks you down for every little infringement such as driving at peak times because that’s more dangerous. Get enough points and you can have your policy cancelled. In the UK there are knock on effects for ever having an insurance policy cancelled and you have to legally declare you did when asked.

    While you can uninstall the app good luck making a claim if you don’t have it installed with data for that journey. They’d also be pretty suss with no data over an extended period of a few months.

    Worst part of these is that it’s expensive to switch to a non black box policy when you can afford to as you get older and more experienced.

  • Yeah and he’s stuck as D&D would narc him out of he changed it now in a desperate attempt to save their tattered reputations.

    As others have mentioned Danis heel turn was rushed by also Brans story was also cut short. If they had actually given him the time to have some epic adventures and actually save everyone then may be he could have lived up to Tyron’s billing at the council.

    Some of it is also he just doesn’t know when to self edit out the additional pov stories. We should be reducing them as we approach the finish not adding new ones as he has been doing.

  • Getting it exactly the same would be hard, getting it close enough is not that hard. There isnt some magic ingredients in third wave to massively improve solubility, just Magnesium Sulfate, Calcium Citrate, and Sodium Chloride in classic for example. Any decent hand mixer (or electric milk frother) ran for a minute or two is going to spread the ingredients around plenty.

    I would recommend getting some testing strips to compare a DIY vs. the ready done packets to at least confirm the alkalinity and pH is a close match, then go by taste for the Epsom salts starting from the baseline from an existing guide. Just scale the recipe for the size you want to make, you do not have to stick to a gallon, its also not a magical prerequisite for making it.

    Its not for everyone as Third Wave sure is convenient but it is significantly cheaper if you use a lot of 3rd wave.

    Have you seen Kyles video on how to make your own? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGYrEiubq2U

  • Not everywhere has this, for example regional France does not, not does regional Japan. Also it’s completely unhelpful to get people out of cars and into public transport without realising that people need to take baby steps towards this. Dictating the end state without having sensible steps to bring people along with the process is just beyond dumb, especially when a lot of countries e.g., the UK have absolutely shit public transport that requires decades of investment.