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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023

  • I’m the opposite of this picture. It’s like I have to relearn the game each time and fluid play takes a long time to return.

    Funnily enough my muscle memory persists to some degree though. So for instance if a particularly tough enemy is charging me I might push a specific key without actually knowing what it does. Afterwards I have to reason and rediscover what I was trying to accomplish and bind that action to the key I pressed.

  • Here’s a neat trick that works with some providers: you can include a + sign and an extra string of characters and it will still be delivered to the same address. Example:

    user083+some-online-shop@provider.net will receive the mail for user083@provider.net. So you can register with a different email address everywhere yet it all goes to the same account. If your account gets leaked or breached you’ll know where it happened thanks to the extra information behind the +.

  • takeheart@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world\_🫨_/
    3 months ago

    Well, hieroglyphs aren’t just pictograms. Some are, but the bulk you can pronounce .If you were versed in the language you could read out aloud what’s on that slate just like you can read out aloud this comment. Try doing that with the wall of emojies.

    That being said, emojies do much enhance our communication potential 🥳.

  • There’s both practical and more spiritual/philosophical reasons for this.

    Before artificial light sources, especially electrical ones, moon light let people stay productive longer whilst outside. This was especially important for comunal activities like hunting, harvests or celebrations too. Keeping track of moon cycles is thus valuable for preparation in scheduling. And once you do that it can also be used to organize other social events around that. Similar to how our modern calendars and schedules are built around important fixed events.

    The moon and sun as celestial bodies also gained prominent religious and mystical significance in ancient cultures. Remember that people didn’t actually know what the moon or sun were in the modern scientific sense. But for some strange reason these mystical glowing disks on which people were so reliant kept rising with unerring synchronicity. The inquiry into the movements on the firmament lead many a civilization down the paths of observation, record keeping and math too.