He / They

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Their reasoning for forking from the original Bosca Ceoil

    It’s also using an outdated technology stack which makes it hard to impossible to run it on modern systems, namely macOS and web.

    Ah yes, I forgot that Windows and Linux are “legacy” systems. And “web” isn’t an operating system, it’s just someone else’s Linux box.

    We achieve this by reimplementing the entire application with a more modern set of tools, as a Godot engine project.

    Okay, that’s pretty great. Always glad to see Godot getting used, especially in a cool new way.

  • I admin linux systems all day at work, and in my spare time on my home lab rackmount setup that lives in the spare bathroom, and I say that to make clear that I’m extremely comfortable with Linux. I got a gaming laptop recently and loaded Ubuntu onto it, and was very underwhelmed with the gaming performance on it. My SteamDeck ran many of the games better, and there were a bunch issues with the OS not being able to keep the integrated graphics card vs the discrete one straight (e.g. switching the load order on reboot, making games constantly try to run on the integrated card), that just made me eventually give up and put Win11 on it. At this point, I’d love for Valve to release a “SteamLap” gaming system, because clearly Linux needs that tight control over the hardware config to get games working well.

  • I’ve heard weird claims like the FSF and OSI don’t [have] a monopoly on the definition of what’s FS or OSS.

    I’m part of that group. If OSI and FSF want to control the definition of something, they should make new and unique terms, not just attempt to take over a concept that predates both of them. (Interestingly, OSI’s website claims no one used “open source” to talk about software before 1998, and that’s patently not true; I remember seeing people use that in IRC channels back in the early 90s). If I came along tomorrow and said, “my org now controls the definition of ‘downloadable software’,” people would tell me to sod off. Even worse “Open Source” and “Free” are both terms with plain-English meanings (which most people naturally assume to be what people are calling “source available”, in OSS’s case). Trying to impose centralized control over a simple phrase isn’t really in line with the collaborative, community-led spirit of the FOSS community, imho

    Call it OSI-Approved Zero-Restriction Licensing or something.

    Any project… should compete on their own merit, rather than riding and exploiting the world’s preference for FOSS.

    Funny, that’s how I feel about OSI stepping in to claim control of that term.

    Just want to reiterate - it’s ok as long as it starts as such, instead of doing a bait and switch.

    I agree with this for existing projects, absolutely.

  • I felt like I was going crazy sometimes with how often people in the FOSS community insist that nothing is wrong when large companies are massively profiting off of unpaid labor that is meant to help people, by turning it into part of their closed-source product, so it’s nice to see that well-known figures in the community are starting to wake up to this being a problem.

    I think that non-commercial-use clauses are a good way forward for certain projects, and commercial licenses for others. I wish that the upstream contrib requirements had taken off, but clearly Capitalism and the FOSS mindset aren’t compatible, and capitalism is more widespread.

    If you let corporations have something for free, they’ll find some way to ruin it.

  • Yes, the old “hebephilia is not pedophilia, and is normal” shtick.

    Obviously yes, there is a very big (biological) difference between sexual attraction to pubescent vs pre-pubescent persons.

    That has nothing to do with the Age of Consent, which is a legal standard set in order to account for social dynamics (power dynamics, education differences, etc) that also factor into consent, which is most of the situations he’s talking about, e.g. Roy Moore.

    If Stallman wants to do the whole, “there’s no difference between being attracted to a 17-and-364-days year-old and an 18 year-old” bit, I don’t think anyone would care outside of the fact that being hung up on that when you’re not yourself in that dating range just makes you seem creepy. When you’re 18, that discussion is much more relevant. Not so much at Stallman’s age.

    But him clearly talking more about the 13-14 year old range, where even someone going through puberty is much closer to pre-pubescent than post-pubescent, just makes him seem like he’s actually a pedophile who wants a loophole.