• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • I don’t have that problem because if I can smell their product and it bothers me, I leave whatever place it is.

    But, you should be aware that they may have washed their hands just fine. Probably did. A lot of soaps smell way stronger than you’d think. If the smell is on the hands, it’s more likely to have come from soap or lotion than a perfume/cologne. At least, that’s been my experience.

    Cologne in particular, if it isn’t a spray, you just use a fingertip and then dab unless you intend to crop dust everywhere you go. That’s not typically enough to linger more than maybe an hour on the finger itself. Obviously, some people just douse themselves, but it isn’t the majority of adults using a decent scent because of the expense.

    But, yeah, I feel you. My grandmother was the same way, and of all the things I could inherit from her genes, I got that same kind of hyper sensitivity to smells

    Now, I smoked for a long time and it suppressed it. But then I quit, and holy shit, it came back worse. My wife had to change soap three times before I could sleep in the same room, after I quit smoking.

    And don’t even try to get me into a mall with a bath & body works. Scented candle sections of stores can clog me up for hours.

    Which is a long way of commiserating with you. I’ve had scents “taint” other things before. Often enough that I don’t bother to try and enjoy something after a scent sets off my nose. I won’t be able to taste anything but the smell for up to a couple of hours afterwards, if the scent is strong enough.

  • Eh, it doesn’t start out about looks, based on my experience and talking with the serious lifters I used to lift with.

    A lot of the guys that end up roided out like that don’t start with that look as the goal. Some do, yeah. The ones that do tend to come from a place of wanting to look like their fictional heroes (wrestlers lol), or from having looked up to previous body builders.

    But a lot of them start out ranging low wanting to get strong. It starts because you can feel and see the progression from being a fairly normal strength to being the person people call when a fridge needs moved.

    But you always hit a wall. How far you can go is mostly genetic, with nutrition being the next biggest factor. The way over that wall is hormones. You bypass your genetics and push.

    Along the path of getting strong you end up seeing so much change in your body. And you’re getting all those move chemicals from pushing your body harder and harder. It turns into a form of addiction and part of the “fix” is seeing your work in your body.

    So lifters start out getting strong and getting natural big as the goal. This kind of extreme, steroid driven body is what happens when that becomes an obsession.

    Now, my ass was not willing to use steroids, so I didn’t get to this extreme. But I know guys, and a few gals, that did. I’ve never actually met anyone that started out wanting to go this far, but plenty that ended up there. But I can tell you from my personal experience that once you start feeling your body develop, the thought of maybe trying to go there is an easy one to have.

    No bullshit, once I hit my personal wall power lifting, it was disappointing to not really be able to make major gains the way I could the first few years. And I was never into the bodybuilding side of things, and definitely wasn’t competitive.

    Now, body dysmorphia also factors in. Can’t say otherwise because it’s a massive thing with the folks that go to this extreme. This guy might not see himself in the mirror the same way other people do. Tbh, at my peak, I sure as hell didn’t see myself accurately. There was still that kid inside my brain that was never strong enough, never big enough. I had to have my suits custom made, but I never saw myself as being as big as I was. My personal self view wasn’t as skewed as it gets with some of the serious guys that go to this extreme.

    It isn’t that you don’t look in the mirror and see a lot of muscle, you do. It’s just that it never looks right. Again, my version of this was mild as hell, but you can’t imagine how often you’d see a dude like this, flexing into a mirror and saying something like “man, I just can’t get my pecs big. They’re so flat.” It can be so extreme a disconnection between self image and external reality that this dude could possibly think he’s too small still, that he needs to get bigger. I don’t know this guy, so please don’t think I’m speaking for him in specific, I’m coming from a general place.

  • Eh, when you put out obvious bait, and a fish runs with it, it’s kinda on the fish.

    You throw out some kind of weird fly, any fish with sense is going to be wary.

    Vegans are the fish in this analogy. When there’s a troll so obvious that a teenager is like “dad, does anyone ever actually fall for that?”, and the vegan fish not only nibble at the bait, they swallow the whole dang rod, it’s almost like the bait is true. I mean it is true, but it’s still also an obvious thing meant to take the piss.

    It’s irresistible to me because it has never once, in over a decade of doing it on various forums, failed entirely. At most, it would take a day or two to get noticed before someone comes screeching in, ready to lambast and be nasty. I have zero guilt about messing with the kind of people that take the bait.

  • Well, that’s cool :)

    But have you never run into the vegans that treat it like holy scriptures? That vegan is the one and only true way to be ethical and/or moral? I mean, I can believe that, it’s not like you’d run into that if you aren’t frequenting the places where the proselytize online (I’ve never had one dumb enough to do it in person).

    It really is a thing that they treat being vegan as a command from on high than anyone who doesn’t fall in line is not just wrong, but bad. Not all vegans for sure, just the most visible ones because the chill vegans and vegetarians are just living their best life and eating well.

    But, because of that obnoxious branch, I get a cheap giggle out of riling them up because calling them zealots gets the worst ones to act like zealots. It really reminds me of my pet chicken. Doesn’t take much to get her little wattles and comb bright red, and that tail twitching. And, since I have a very vivid imagery ability, that’s what I see when I pull this childish troll. Just some random person with their arms bent, flapping them and squawking madly as they scratch the ground. I did mention it’s childish, right? Me trolling them is childish, but I can’t seem to help myself. It’s almost as fun as going to to a group of fellow metalheads and asking them if they love that amazing metal band, nickelback.

  • Are you messing with me? Because I’m not in the mood to play games.

    If you aren’t, I’m afraid we’re going to have issues unless we start from a different place.

    What I wrote was: >…veganism, a system of belief…

    Now, when written that way, the phrase “a system of belief” is being used to specify that that is what veganism is. And that’s what it is.

    If you don’t know what veganism is, I would suggest you ask someone that doesn’t troll vegans for a proper answer. Though, to be honest, veganism isn’t a single, universally codified system. It’s more like a general heading that includes a fairly wide range of what is and isn’t “really vegan”. So even asking vegans, you can get varied answers.

    If you really want my quick and dirty synopsis of veganism, it comes down to two basic principles.

    First, that animals must be treated in a way that would be completely without exploitation.

    Second, that causing the death of an animal to serve the wants/needs of humans is a very specific and very “wrong” way of exploiting animals.

    That’s about the core of it. All the rest is essentially defining what is and isn’t exploitation.

    I’m sure a vegan would at least quibble over that over simplified explanation, but IDGAF, that’s what it amounts to looking at it from the outside. A bunch of folks that have strong beliefs about how animals and humans should share the planet.

    If you go digging into vegan writing on the ethics of a human/animal interactions, there are a lot of ways of expanding on that simplified version, but having read some of it when offered by vegans I know personally, in real life, I would say that my version is good enough for someone that’s never seen the word before.

    Now, veganism isn’t exactly a unique thing in execution. Plenty of people around the world don’t eat meat at all. And there’s some of those that don’t use animal products at all. But, they aren’t necessarily Vegan. It isn’t a central part of their identity. It comes down to cultural norms, poverty, availability, or some other factor than a specific belief about human/animal ethics.

    Veganism as you’ll see in English using forums is quite different from that because it has another central belief that you don’t see in most of the writings about it. And that is why I use the specific troll that vegans are religious zealots. That other belief is that they’re right and everyone else is wrong, period. And, much like zealots of other religions, the bad vegans will often treat other humans poorly when they don’t agree with them.

    There is only one TRUE BELIEF, and that is veganism.

    That is a wee bit of hyperbole, of course. Not every vegan is an arrogant zealot. No more than any other belief based group. As I said, I have people in my life that are vegan, and I love them. I cherish them in my life. But they’re not assholes :)

    I cook vegan food for them. I even cook vegan for them when I’m already cooking “regular” food to feed a dozen or so people and they’re the only vegan coming.

    Anyway, that’s not only what veganism is, but why the entire thread happened.

    If that didn’t answer your question, I’ll try to do better.

    If you were just trolling the troll, then I’ll just let it go and hope you have a good day :)

  • Suuure.

    And not all social justice advocates treat it like a religion. But some do.

    Also, trying to compare veganism, a system of belief, to genocide resistance and human rights is absurd to the point that it exactly makes my point.

    There is no world in which fighting genocide is the same thing as avoiding animal products. None, no way, no how. The arrogance of your statement is so far beyond the usual responses my little troll statement gets that I’m outright flummoxed. I can’t believe anyone would be that stupid, that arrogant, that ridiculous.

    And that goes just as much for lgbt+ rights. You are outright absurd making that comparison.

    And that absurdity is exactly why veganism is a religion to way too many vegans. Like, I’m not anti vegan, I know and love many, I just like getting online vegans riled up for entertainment. But you jumped the damn shark big time homie. That kind of thinking, that’s why people that hate vegans hate them.

    Man, I find it hard to not just start calling you names because damn, son.