• 6 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: July 18th, 2021


  • snek_boi@lemmy.mltoLemmy@lemmy.mlPolitics blocklist
    1 year ago

    “Elections”, " representative", and “federal” could exclude many non-American and non-Canadian countries.

    Edit: Oh, silly me. I misread. I thought you wanted to exclude American stuff, not “political” stuff. Well that’s another conversation. Is there something that is not political? Is there something that doesn’t comment on the distributions of political goods such as significance, relevance, resource allocations (including time and attention), or value judgments?

  • I see how majority judgement could be seen as a subset of range or score voting.

    A crucial difference between range/score voting and majority judgement is that one uses numbers and the others judgements. A majority judgement ballot could list all the possible candidates or options, and for each of them, there’d be a list of possible judgements. You can say that you consider a candidate “terrible”, “bad”, “meh”, “good”, “amazing”.

    The idea is that humans tend to think in terms of judgements more readily than with numbers. A good ballot would find what words evoke useful judgements for candidates, as each group of voters has its own social language.

    For example, with my partner we have a list of movies that we vote on. We have judgements that include “I’ll leave the house if you play that sh*t”, or “Omg yes!”. It’s great to add a movie to the list and find that one of the judgements in our made up ballot matches our personal judgements so well!

    This is something I think majority judgement can do better than range/score voting: it can reflect human judgements better than with scores. In that way, it is more intuitive than range/score voting.

    One benefit of majority judgement is that leaders chosen through it would know the judgement that they came into power with. If someone is elected into a powerful role knowing that half of the voters think they’re “ideal” for the job, that’s quite different than knowing that they were elected with half the voters thinking they were “inadequate”. This means, ideally, that the legitimacy of incompetent leaders can be reduced.

    Note that the amount of possible judgements in a ballot can vary. To make things quick and easy, I’ve had silly elections with three judgements, such as “nope”, “ok”, “omg yes”. I’ve also had elections with nine judgements.

    If you want to reduce the probability of having multiple winners, more judgements are a good idea. In general, the amount of judgements should depend on what the stakes are (higher stakes should go beyond just a couple of judgements), how many options there are (few options require few judgements), and the amount of voters there are (few voters require many judgements).

    I think the reason for using the median is so that a judgement can be chosen as representative of each candidate. In the “nope”, “ok”, “omg yes” example above, if the median of the winning candidate is 3, you can tell the candidate that the score that they were chosen with was “omg yes”. If the average of the winning candidate is 2.4, you can’t really translate that as succintly, given that 2.4 is between “ok” and “omg yes”.

    I hope it’s clearer why I love this voting method!

  • snek_boi@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlAin't no harm adding more parm
    1 year ago

    Ummm… This is a bit grotesque, so if you don’t like graphical bodily stuff, maybe skip what follows. Anyway, someone gifted me really expensive and rare cheese recently. By that point, I had been eating less animal products, so I had forgotten my body couldn’t really handle dairy…

    My friend and I tried it and it was absurdly tasty. We kept on eating, grating, eating, grating… In a single sitting, my friend and I ate the whole thing.

    Oh boy, what a mistake. My belly ached. I was bloated. ‘Not a problem’, I thought, ‘tomorrow morning everything will be okay’. My lactase-abundant friend left and I went to sleep.

    Middle of the night. I woke up. Nausea. Dizziness. I just had to go go the toilet. I ran. Oh boy, my stomach wasn’t happy with me. At all.

    I figured I’d wait and see if this ended up being serious. It could be temporary. Except, I had to go to the toilet again, and again, and again.

    “OK, snek_boi, you need electrolytes. You won’t die from lactose intolerance-induced dehydration. I refuse”. So I went to the store, got the electrolytes, and chugged them as I came back. Alright. Time to sleep, again.

    I managed to sleep, except when I woke up I still felt nauseous. I went to the bathroom. This time, (TRIGGER WARNING, GROTESQUE) I was pooping radioactive water. It was bright yellow, almost like Powerade or Gatorade or something like that. Wtf.

    I took out my phone to see if I should go to the hospital. Turns out, if you eat too much cheese, it goes through a whole process as your body tries to decompose it. The very last step is pooping bile, which is secreted in an attempt to digest the fat in cheese.

    Knowing about that whole ‘cheese digestion process’, I guessed I wouldn’t die anytime soon. I just sat on the toilet, drinking my electrolyte solution, contemplating, contemplating my poor decisions, contemplating the wondrous complexity of chemistry and biology, contemplating the fragility of human life and good gut health.

    TL;DR: Too much cheese can mess you up.

  • snek_boi@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.ml2023-08-09.jpg
    1 year ago

    I’m using NixOS. Ext4 filesystem. As to language, I’m not entirely sure what you mean. If you refer to the character set in the filenames, I think there are no characters that deviate from the English alphabet, numbers, dashes, and underscores.

  • snek_boi@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.ml2023-08-09.jpg
    1 year ago

    I actually need to standardize my code. I’ve got “learning F2” as something I want to do soon. The goal: use the exif data of my pictures to create [date in ISO 8601] - [original filename].[original file type termination]

    So a picture taken the third of march 2022 titled “asdf.jpg” would become “2022-3-3 - asdf.jpg”

    Help? lol