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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2023

  • Worked tech support for an ISP. The tech side was well managed and smart. (Left when that changed.)

    The customer service side fielded TV and account related calls. They were driven by average calls times. What a cluster. Guess who straight hung up on customers when the call went too long? Some people would call be 4-5 times.

    Meanwhile, we could take all the time it took to resolve. A 1-hour call is way cheaper than rolling a truck. Yet some assholes would roll trucks for nothing, then bitch there were no trucks left.

  • shalafi@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldRock Eagle Flag
    5 days ago

    Then I ask this: School shootings simply never happened when I was a kid in the 70’s and 80’s. We had far less regulation*. Any asshole could buy a gun, get it delivered to their doorstep, and they were cheap. Yes, even AR-15s.

    This shit all started with Columbine. Want to suicide and go out the most horrific way possible? Shoot up a school!

    So no, it’s not the guns. Nothing has really changed on that front. So what happened?

    * One exception: Conceal carry laws were nothing like today, far more restrictive. I’m leaving that out because criminals and mass murderers hardly give a shit about carrying illegally. Would that stop you if you were intent on murder? Also, at the same time, the laws around transporting guns generally became more restrictive.

  • shalafi@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldUnpopular opinion
    7 days ago

    He (or she) could actually be attractive with some simple changes.

    • Ditch the nerdy glasses, not working for their face. Contacts are cheap enough and switching back and forth with glasses changes your look, very cute.
    • Get a decent hair cut that suits them. Find a stylist people like and go to them. Gay dude at Walmart used to cut me, damn I looked good. If you’re a man, find a gay stylist, best ever. (He moved. Stylists are like gypsies, gotta get their personal card and follow 'em around.)
    • Dress nicely. And dressing nice costs almost zero money. Stunning what you can find at the thrift once you land on a style that’s attractive on you. I make plenty, but I still mostly dress out of thrift stores. Got a nice collection of watches for example. Got a sack of cool ones for $1 at a roadside thrift. A couple of $.75 batteries and some polish, nice.

    Probably lots of others easy/cheap things. My dentist made mouth molds for tooth whitener. $80 for molds that last forever, buy the cheap refills on Amazon. Done. And what a dramatic difference two treatments makes.

    The nose is a little much, but work with it. I started parting my bowl-cut hair in 8th grade. Read that dudes with a big snoz shouldn’t do that, part on the side. Stuff like that.

    They’re not fat, so there’s not that to overcome. Nice chin and hands, smile and mouth. Take his/her ass outside and move around. A little color and muscle tone is easy with quick results.

    You look good (to yourself), you feel good, confidence comes out. Had a roommate in college put on a shirt and tie, for an algebra test. The hell? “I look good, I feel good, I do better on the test.” That stuck with me.

    tl;dr: Frustrating hearing people call themselves ugly. I’ve rarely seen a truly ugly person. Almost everyone can be at least modestly attractive, easily and cheaply.

  • shalafi@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldAnd it just seemed like any other show.
    13 days ago

    racist white supremacist idea

    Oh FFS, if you were young then you also remember All in the Family and The Jeffersons, shows that were in-your-face anti-racist. Prime time was hardly in a mood for racist bullshit.

    What if I said the show was racist because it showed white, country people as wide-eyed, stupid hicks? How ridiculous does that sound?

  • shalafi@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldRight wing shit post
    29 days ago

    Trucker picks up a couple of gay dudes hitchhiking. After they get rolling the first hitchhiker asks if he can fart in the cab.

    “Sure. No problem.”

    Man rips a trombone, and gods does it smell.

    Further down the road the next hitchhiker asks the same.

    “Hey, we all gotta bro. You go for it.”

    Dude brings out a tuba, stinks like death.

    Finally the trucker starts getting squirrelly.

    “Guess you guys don’t mind if I let one rip?”


    Gay guys smirk, “WE KNOW WHO’S A VIRGIN!”

    (Sorry, but that’s all I can think of seeing this cartoon. Flips it around nicely. 🎷)