Yep. Sounds right. Welcome to learning docker compose.
Yep. Sounds right. Welcome to learning docker compose.
I assume there is nothing in the database? Delete the file under volumes and relaunch. At a guess your database for initialized without a user and is now just in that state.
As others have said, remove the # to uncommit the line.
Commits are a special type of line in many languages that allow us humans to stick info (generally for humans) inside the code that the interpreter skips over. From the machines perspective this block looks like:
Note that the entire line is missing.
As a side note. Please change the password as it’s been posted to the Internet.
Enterprise tooling (aka a usable API) and it stays out if my way.
Important question: Pulumi or Terraform?
Really? TIL.
Everyone with a sound bar. Depending on the sound bar you might have a dedicated base - but you might not.
As an ops person I disagree! Our arbitrary changes are documented in a jira ticket in the ops project. If you can’t view the ops project fill free to open a ticket in ops and we will triage it when we feel like it.
We found an use case with Page duty and it’s ical feed already…
It’s a little more complex then that.
First we need to draft a project to keep the PMs happy. Then test the change…
Then get it through change management…
Or just have our friends in secops make it a security call and a priority. Not saying I’ve done this before - no sir.
Just use npm to install all the dependencies. What’s the worst that can happen.
Yep c flat or b sharp. If the octave has a half step between notes (a full step is A to B, B to C, etc), then a sharp/flat is created. The octave dictates if we call it a sharp or flat, but from a mathematical perspective they are the same tone.
Honest advice? Brew it your self.
I started making my own beer because I couldn’t find a good Scotch ale. I now have a pile of recipes for English style of ale (which I’m happy to share for those interested).
Which veggie dog worked for you? I can’t find one that grills correctly.