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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • okamiueru@lemmy.worldtoLinux@lemmy.world1 month of Linux Mint and some thoughts.
    1 month ago

    What’s the spr - key?

    You mention:

    • spr + shift + s, click and drag, release

    And say its annoying compared to

    • Shift + PRTSCR, click and drag, release, Enter

    Which seem to me like the same number of keypresses. In my case, it’s one less. The only main difference is the order of that one enter-key being afterwards. And, by using that key as a confirmation-step, you get a whole bunch of extra functionality that you say you don’t use. Which, if you don’t use it, will still give you the exact same functionality, and doesn’t affect you.

    Consider if you ever need to repeat the screen grab 10x times, the difference is:

    • Your preferred approach: 10 x (3 key press + click drag release). In total 30 keys, 10 mouse selections.
    • On my system: 1 key + click drag release + 1 key, 9 x 2 keypress. In total 20 keys, 1 mouse selection.

    I find it fascinating to care so strongly for something that is objectively a worse approach in every single way, with the only difference being the ordering of one keypress. And to care so strongly about that one keypress, that the optional versatility that gives (toggle video recording, adjust rectangle, reuse rectangle, move rectangle with same dimensions) is all in all considered a worse alternative. To each their own, and UX design is arguably not yours.

  • okamiueru@lemmy.worldtoLinux@lemmy.world1 month of Linux Mint and some thoughts.
    1 month ago

    There’s no perfect replacement for the Snip tool. I want to just spr+shift+s, click/drag a box, and done. So far the closest I’ve gotten is shift+prntscrn, click/drag, enter, which is more annoying by far.

    It’s the same number of keypresses (or in my case, one less), and you have additional functionality that doesn’t get in the way. I’m curious how “more annoying by far” to click-drag-enter vs click-drag.

    You can readjust the selection, you can record video instead… Etc. Only difference is one keypress.


  • There’s no perfect replacement for the Snip tool. I want to just spr+shift+s, click/drag a box, and done. So far the closest I’ve gotten is shift+prntscrn, click/drag, enter, which is more annoying by far.

    You can surely rebind that to just PRTSCR? That’s the default for me. I much prefer being able to adjust the rectangle after an initial selection, not to mention that it remembers what it last was, so that you can to multiple grabs that are perfectly positioned to evaluate or illustrate some difference.

  • Some years ago ago, I was a happy subscriber to Google Music. But, they added it to the graveyard, and instead grafted on some music playing functionality to YouTube and called it YouTube Music. So, I went back to Spotify.

    Then I started paying for YouTube Premium Lite. It wasn’t unreasonably expensive, although it was a bit annoying I couldn’t just have “YouTube” in the household, like with Netflix. So if wife would cast a video to the TV, it would play with ads.

    It was about a year ago, when Google starting cracking down on adblockers, that they also removed an option to pay for the service. I think YouTube Premium Lite wasn’t a thing in the US (correct me if I’m wrong), but they removed YT Premium Lite, and the only option left was a twice as expensive YouTube Premium bundle that included YouTube Music.

    Tldr: fucked up Google Music, then removed an option to pay for YouTube premium, leaving a fairly expensive alternative with the pile of shit they replaced Google music with. It’ll be a rough time if they manage to force ads. I won’t pay for it, out of principle.

    Edit: I looked at the numbers again. I’d have to pay more for YouTube than for the highest Netflix tier. It’s more than Prime and HBO combined. They also don’t have to front large sums to fund risky projects. If they didn’t include YouTube Music, I might have considered it. But with it, it just pisses me off, they can go get f.ed

  • Absolutely. Those you suggest there are good examples.

    Good enough that, instead of “is/isn’t” programming language, it would be more a “ah, so, how do you define that then?”. Now that I’ve had some sleep, one could argue that I could have been nicer and suggested that approach for HTML as well. After all, it’s just words that mean stuff, and transfer a concept between people, that translate to the same (ish) idea. The moment the latter isn’t the case, it’s no longer very useful for the former.

    Most disagreements, I find, are just cases of different understandings. Discussions worth having is when both are correct but different, and both want to figure out why they differ. So, on second thought, I think I was appropriately rude _

    Both LaTeX and roff are Turing complete, but they are also DSLs with a somewhat narrow “domain”. Sounds exactly right that these blur the lines between what is/isn’t. You could even argue that claiming one or the other is just one way to express how you understand that difference.

  • That’s such a weird point to make. Is it because to you, it seems like the line drawn is arbitrary? I cannot imagine any other reason. Certain words just mean certain things.

    Markup languages are exactly as much “programming” as you marking a word and hitting “bold”. Which is to say, nothing at all. People are wrong all the time, and I have a very limited amount of fucks to give when it happens.

    As for Scratch, it is a programming language. So, why would you think it’s a logical next step for me to say otherwise? Next, you’ll say something remarkably dumb in response. Resist the temptation, and do something more productive.