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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • I actually have this book! 😂

    One of the recipes is Beans on Toast. It’s ridiculous how simple it is.

    …And naturally you have to make the toast, in a toaster, first xD

    But yes in general it has well thought out recipes that correctly work to a microwave’s strengths, I find most people who hate using a microwave when cooking are using it poorly - expecting it to work just like an oven or a pot on a stove. It’s just a different tool is all, not the right tool for all uses, but great when used correctly.

  • Yup, not to say that my country is doing much better or anything, but looking over at the USA it’s almost comical how extremely clear their decline into fascism and decay is. It’d almost be funny if it weren’t so serious.

    Unfortunately it’s not hard to see a future where the rest of the world have to fight a war against some future form of christiofascist white supremacist USA.

    Not next year or the year after of course, but within my lifetime for sure. People forget how quickly some nations go from progressive and democratic to straight up Third Reich.

    It takes a shockingly short amount of time once the slow burn has laid the ground work over the initial decades. The slow burn we’re watching now.

  • I just reinstalled windows and spent 30 minutrs trying to figure out how to get the normal taskbar back, with label text not just icons, and Jesus wept it turns out


    I am flabbergasted. I don’t know how anyone can use their PC without knowing what windows they have open and easy access to them. It’s insane.

    I downloaded my usual start menu replacer in the end, which it turns out had also saved my taskbar at some point when they make this insane change, and I just hadn’t noticed.

    That’s not even mentioning that when windows first installed it had all the icons in the MIDDLE for some insane reason. They must be smoking some strong stuff over there.

    I clicked the button in the bottom left, you know, the button that has always been the start menu button, for 30 years, and it brought up the weather or some shit.

    When you have to start searching for the start menu you know you’ve fucked up. Christ it was awful.

    I know they make a big deal of saying “Windows 10 will be our last numbered windows release” but I really hope Windows 12 fixes all this crap.

    Even more recently, my right click alt menu has become weird and much more annoying, hiding the actual menu I want behind a “see more options” button, and I can’t even use the keyboard to scroll through options and hit return to select one like I have my whole life. No, for some reason that menu is mouse only, and doesn’t even have keyboard key shortcuts.

    They’re just stripping core features out left and right, and making everything harder to get at. It’s madness.

    What next? They’ll get rid of the desktop?!