• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • I’m going to rant here because your comment re-ignited my rage.

    My family and I have weekly dinners. I drive over there and pass through their neighborhood. They own a successful business so it’s a pretty nice neighborhood with a good median of trees down the main road passing through (still a 25 MPH speed limit). And every week for several years now, there is a discarded Pepsi can in the median. Not the same can, but a new can every week. Someone drives through there, likely multiple times a week and I’m just not there to see it, and throws a Pepsi can in roughly the same spot.

    It enrages me. It’s so senseless and selfish that I cannot even fathom a reason. My best justification is that they’re a person who is “sticking it to the rich” by littering in a nice neighborhood, but that’s being extremely generous. I am convinced it’s purposeful because the consistency is staggering. A new can in the same 100 feet of road, every day.

    And I know it’s not the same can because if it snows, the snow obscures the cans and the poor hero picking them up can’t see them, so when the snow melts there are several cans littered about.

    It genuinely makes me so angry, because it’s so inexplicably terrible. I just hate things I can’t understand. It makes me more angry than Donald Trump because at least with Trump, on some level I get it. I may hate what he’s doing but I can logically see why he’s doing it and that understanding is almost calming, in a sense.

    But this? Absolute nonsense. I just cannot see why someone would do this

  • The US has a lot of bullshit in their labeling requirements. My wife studied food science in university and some of her biggest complaints are:

    • Serving sizes aren’t always the entire package*
    • “Natural” has almost no meaning on a package, it is just a hand-waving word
    • They can hide a lot of things in the ingredients under umbrella terms like “spices” and “flavorings”
    • “Made with real juice” does not mean it was made with the juice on the label. For example, a pineapple fruit juice may be more apple juice than actually pineapple juice
    • They can round down to 0 calories if the actual amount is below 5

    The most egregious example I’ve seen lately was a jar of pickles I bought where the serving size is 1/3 of a pickle (now the website says 1/2). That’s just so that the sodium doesn’t get out of control and, in all likelihood, because an entire pickle may be more than the 5 Calories allowed to say it’s “0 Calories”.

    *This is changing, slowly. Manufacturers now have to put servings for the entire container if it’s small enough

  • Kind of torn my niece is starting to like video games.

    On the one hand, they’re amazing and I still play them all the time. They’re integral to my life and are a medium above others in quality, accessibility, and affordability.

    On the other hand, they’re a double-edged sword. It’s hard to be healthy while playing video games without good discipline. And I think back to times I chose video games over homework and I regret it. I don’t necessarily want her to follow an unhealthy hobby, even if I love it

  • NotNotMike@programming.devtoMemes@lemmy.mlCheck out my sick new lemmy meme
    5 months ago

    I feel this. While I am not overly fond of capitalism or the United States government, most of the memes criticizing them are so un-funny they hurt. They weren’t made because the OP had a funny idea for a meme, but because they wanted to insult the U.S. or capitalism and had to find some joke to do it. They feels so forced.

    I think we as a community can balance making a political point with being actually funny at least a little better than we do