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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • nomadjoanne@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlFreedom units 💯
    10 months ago

    Yeah, no. The Middle East, for example, is heading leftwards by leaps and bounds. It just seems slow from the standpoint of a single human lifetime. Remember, they were, with a few exceptions, warring desert bands on horses only a bit over 100 years ago. Not saying there aren’t exceptions (Iran, which, is sort of Middle-East-adjacent, would be an example).

    The same trend is true all over the world. The thing is people get too emotional that they lose sight of secular trends for the ups and down of individual months and years. Just compare the culture now to 30 or 40 years ago. It very well might be a good strategy in getting what they want, it might even be necessary to keep cultural momentum going in the direction they want it to go, so, in that sense, it might be necessary. Seeing the truth is not necessarily a “good” or even advantageous thing.

    But this attitude doesn’t reflect reality.

  • I generally dislike Linode. They’re a big enough corporation to get pushy with you. I’d go for a smaller provider. There are many that offers “storage” VPSs with capacities like the ones you mentioned.

    However, I find the performance of Collabora to be a but lackluster. I prefer to just work with desktop office apps and sync the docs themselves. Your needs may drastically differ from mine though, so take this with a grain of salt.

  • nomadjoanne@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlFreedom units 💯
    10 months ago

    As I said, America is a cultural hegemony at the moment. It does export a lot of its culture, but far from all of it’s culture.

    I think the direction the world is moving is a bit of a mixed bag. With LGBT stuff, it is moving far to the left very quickly. With things like workers rights it has stagnated or moved rightwards somewhat. It’s true that the Western world has seen the emergence of the alt-right in the past decade. But there is an alt-left or far left that has also been gaining in prominence. Generally just deviation from the political center in both directions.

  • nomadjoanne@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlFreedom units 💯
    10 months ago

    I’m an American who has lived in Spain for the past 11 years. I’ve grown up in the States, worked in the States as a young person, still visit frequently, but my professional, personal, and cultural life has not been primarily there for some time.

    I am telling you, both cultures have their dumb preoccupations, their misconceptions, and their morons.

    The idea of “America is so bad, Americans are so dumb” is exactly the same ideology as American exceptionalism. It is just as wrong.

  • nomadjoanne@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlFreedom units 💯
    10 months ago

    The US is a cultural hegemon so it is often picked on. There are tons of idiotic peoole and cultural practices here in Spain. But the rest of the world isn’t really aware… I mean I don’t blame them. One cannot keep up with everything.

    But believe me, stupidity and insular thinking is just as endemic here as it is in the States. It just annoys me when “enlightened” Americans habitually paint other Americans as somehow dumber than dumb people elsewhere.