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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023

  • Since I’m not American I keep forgetting about your for profit churches. The concept is just too foreign to me. When I think church I think of 300 year old cold stone building in the countryside.

    Still there are homeless that would refuse, some from not believing or trusting you, some from not wanting to relocate even if it means that level of comfort, some from being deep into addiction thinking that they’ll be forced to get clean. And some will take you up on it and just absolutely trash the place trying to steal anything not bolted down.

    That said the vast majority would for sure jump on it and thrive. So if it was at all possible to make happen it would be a good idea.

  • ninjan@lemmy.mildgrim.comtoMildly Infuriating@lemmy.worldJust 2 people.
    3 months ago

    Most homeless are in the big cities, most churches are out in the boonies. The homeless are very unlikely to accept being bussed to a flyover state to sleep in a church in bumfuck nowhere. For a myriad of reasons.

    Keep in mind also that a lot of them have a very hard time accepting any help due to past trauma as well.

    It’s not a situation with a quick fix. Really the first step isn’t even ensuring housing for the homeless, it’s making sure we don’t get more homeless. We likely can’t save a subset of today’s homeless because they don’t want/or won’t accept any help that comes with any strings (like no drugs or just they can’t trash the place). But we can ensure no-one else ends up on the streets by beefing up mental healthcare and social services.

  • Dead accurate meme.

    My protip if you really can’t bother with all that and just want to do expensive Legos is to go to an active forum for PCs where you can simply ask for a recommendation for a build.

    What you need to supply is a budget example and what it needs to cover. I.e. if screen needs to be part of it or if you have one. If you do the resolution and refresh rate is good input (or just make and model which is printed on it). Finally you need an idea of what games you’ll play. With that a mini war will erupt between AMD and Intel and AMD and Nvidia around what would be the best build for the budget.

    Keep in mind to pick a forum based in the same country as you, else the recommendations might not at all fit your budget due to local price variance.

    Hell you could probably make do without a budget if you say you’re unsure how much is reasonable to spend to play the games you wish to play and you’ll get recommendations to that effect as well.

  • ninjan@lemmy.mildgrim.comtoMemes@lemmy.mldeleted
    3 months ago

    I’d say the problem isn’t so much optimization as it is scaling. The FPS delta between low and ultra is just stupid small in many games nowadays. Before dropping to low would make the game look like shit sure but it would also run on 5+ year old hardware. Now you get like 10 FPS+ and still slog around under 60 fps on 2-3 year old 6-series cards (X060/X600). Sure some games are CPU bound as well but that’s less common.

    Really what needs to happen is devs need to add a potato mode so we can at least play the game.

    I’ll however say that the source of the problem is of course consoles. On them settings are rather meaningless so it’s only for the PC market you need them and given how many gaming PCs outperform consoles and PC gamers generally expect the PC version to look better it’s no wonder that’s where they put their focus and effort. But a proper low setting that actually scales shouldn’t be too hard to achieve.

  • Tell them to move to yubikey or similar hardware key which is far more secure than any password policy will ever be and vastly more user friendly. Only downside is the intense shame if you manage to lose it.

    The key should stick with the user thus not be stored with the computer when not in use. The key isn’t harmless of course but it takes a very deliberate targeting and advance knowledge about what it goes to and how it can be used. It’s also easy to remote revoke. If you’re extra special paranoid you could of course store the key locked at a separate site if you want nuclear codes levels of security.

  • ninjan@lemmy.mildgrim.comtoMemes@lemmy.ml[gasp]
    4 months ago

    Yeah interesting thought there actually. In absolute numbers I wager more people believe in mythical beings of some form today in Europe than the 1700s. But as a share of the total population it’s going to be a lot lower, of course.