Just a dad with a sysadmin hobby … leaving reddit

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • The US Government is entirely metric. It’s just the US Citizens that aren’t. So there’s this entire separation where no one uses metric, so nothing is made for metric, since nothing is made for metric, no one uses metric.

    Obviously that’s changing over time plenty of people use a mixture of both systems all the time. The machines are mostly driving adoption at this point. 3D printers, cars, etc.

  • TBH have you tried just basic git? There’s a web interface built into git itself and you can use ssh for your repositories. It’s simple and just works. If you need a faster web interface there’s also cgit. There’s no bells and whistles either. Just configure ssh, drop your repos in /srv and get to work.

    If you need more that just standard basic git the. The other suggestions here are great especially forgjo!

  • I use backblaze b2 for my storage. I use restic to backup everything to it. It works well and I’ve had it going for YEARS at this point. For things I could never replaced, like photos, I use external drives in addition to B2. Everyone knows that if something happens and we need to leave to just grab the drive that is stuck to the wall and the family photos will be safe.

    My though process goes like this, everything backups to my home server. I have snap shots of the data on a normal basis. So if I need to get something back, going to a snap shot is pretty simple. If for some reason my server(s) just stopped existing for some reason I could pull it back from B2. I’ve only had to actually restore from B2 a handful of times and it was worth it.

  • Nine@lemmy.worldtoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldXMPP Server?
    10 months ago

    I’m wasn’t implying that you shouldn’t host it yourself at all. Just maybe use a VPS for hosting it yourself.

    Getting buy in on the family & friends aspect is being able to match or exceed the popular free services. If there’s a perception that it’s not reliable then it’s highly unlikely they’ll keep using it. So the last thing you want is to have something happen to your internet connection, NAS, etc. At the end of the day it’s the pesky perception equals reality thing that dooms things like this and tanks the spouse approval factor.

  • Nine@lemmy.worldtoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldXMPP Server?
    10 months ago

    Self hosting XMPP works well for most internal things. IMHO communication software that you’re relying on shouldn’t be hosted at home.

    Both of those that you mentioned are great. I’ve used ejabberd in addition to that. I think prosody is better. Here’s a link to a list of more servers.

    Another option since XMPP can do E2EE is use conversations.im it is my go to for XMPP hosting.

  • Nine@lemmy.worldtoLinux@lemmy.worldMy experience with Linux Day 1
    11 months ago

    I’m saying it’s unfriendly because it has 0 protections for the user to prevent them from bricking their own system. I know that’s a positive to Linux purists, but it’s a huge problem for everyone else.

    True, to an extent. It does warn you when you’re doing something obviously dumb for the most part though. Most of that is mitigated by keeping everything in a user context and sandboxing. For example it will allow you to mess up your own account, just like windows will, but it will make you enter a password to do anything outside of your user that could create problems system wide. Windows does similar things too.

    Windows can get away with a certain level of expecting people to know how their OS works. Linux can’t. With the different defaults it makes it a very unfriendly move from windows

    Different does not equal user unfriendly, IMHO.

    Would you say that macOS is not user friendly because it has different defaults than Windows? Would you say that Samsung’s version of Android is not user friendly because it does things different than Google’s version? Would you say that all smart phones are not user friendly because they do things differently than iPhone (IOS)? What about Chrome and Firefox? Which one would you said is user unfriendly because it does things differently? Would you say that Gmail is unfriendly because it has different defaults than Outlook?

    It’s not possible to use popular distros without the terminal. Anyone saying that is lying. Within an hour of a fresh install there’s normally 5-10 things I’ve had to use the terminal for because a GUI didn’t work or didn’t exist.

    As with all things it just depends on what you’re doing and how you’re doing it. If someone is handed a system that has something like Fedora setup on it. They could just install steam, install some games, install chrome, or whatever else they want without touching the terminal.

    Now the process of setting up, installing packages to make hardware work eg Nvidia, tweaking things, etc. Yeah that part in some instances does need the terminal. If you have hardware and a distro where everything just works, then you could actually not have to use the terminal at all. System76, Dell, etc has shown this with their laptops, Valve showed this with the steamdeck, etc.

  • Linux does not have that advantage and it is explicitly user unfriendly in most cases

    Are you saying that it’s unfriendly because it’s different and not the default?

    Gnome, Pop_OS!, Elementary, etc is pretty user friendly, sure it’s not perfect, but it does have a new user experience that tells you how to do things, how to find help, etc. The UX includes a lot of helpful tool tips too.

    As for the terminal, it’s completely possible to use most popular distros without touching the terminal at all.

  • I"m not sure what you mean by that? Most of the time you’ll see it in your file manager just like on Windows. In Windows it’s called Network Places, in Gnome it’s called Other Locations and in Plasma it is called Remote/Network. If for some reason it doesn’t show up like it does on Windows too, you still totally could enter the URI smb://file.server/share_name if you wanted. I could be completely wrong, but that’s fairly user friendly IMO since it’s pretty much the same as doing it on Windows, macOS, etc. The steps are different because it’s not Windows, but the end result is the same.

    As for that link, that’s how you map it from that version of software running that application. That’s actually a old method too that does not really work that well. I’m sure it works well for their applications and software but that’s highly specific for them. So unless you’re running an Edgeverve Edge Assist that guide doesn’t apply to you.

    A better way is to not think of it as “Linux” think of it as Ubuntu 20.04, or Fedora 38, etc. Just like Windows is more like Windows 11, Windows Server 2018, Windows 7, etc. While it has most of the same kind of stuff it’s different in how it does things. Sometimes those differences are more obvious than other.

    You do not have to do everything though the command line either, yes it can be a lot faster if you know what you’re doing (same for Windows), but it’s not a requirement. It’s completely possible to install applications, do gaming, etc. without ever touching the terminal. I think this video explains it pretty well. Obviously things have improved in the past two years but the core of it is still true.

  • Nine@lemmy.worldtoLinux@lemmy.worldMy experience with Linux Day 1
    11 months ago

    So in what ways would you like to see it more user friendly? Can you provide some details on what that looks like for/to you?

    Is there a new user experience that happens on Windows that you would like to see? For example, if someone has never used Windows before what kind of resources/support are available to make it user friendly out of the box?