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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2023


  • Uff, okay. So that was a quote? I assume there is a reason they did this (from my perspective bad) relabeling. (From my perspective bad because FF is often played by a younger audience and they are at risk to learn the terminomolgy wrong and keep that for their whole life. causing potential misunderstandings and embarrassings)

  • OP stated it happens to their “best” shirt, so those are $25 upwards easily. Take two, get one wool.

    I suppose washing intervals depend on work, climate and personal disposition but in any case you get way more mileage between washes on wool than cotton. My cotton shirts would last only two days before I had to wash them again and they were never as fresh as wool shirts straiht from the washing machine. I also did not say “wear it for two weeks in a row” but one 2-3 days ,then hang it oit in the fresh air while wearing the next. Then after some days you can wear the first again because wool is kind of self cleaning and anti bacterial. No problem. I have daily meetings in person and I have to be clean and nice.

  • Why the negative votes?

    Personally I have only a hand full of t-shirts, all made of good 100 percent wool. I rotate them in use and I get maybe two weeks of time each before I have to wash them again because wool is not getting stenchy very fast, is anti bacterial and has a good climate while wearing, be it cold or hot weather. They get washed inside out and with pretty cold water, which is good for the fabric, and dry on air, because that’s energy efficient and also good for the fabric. I have them for like two years now and they look brand new, no pilling, no tears, no nothing. The wool flows and gleams like at the first day. Just. Do. Not. Buy. Trash.

  • neonred@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldIntrusive thoughts
    3 months ago

    It’s just unnecessary. If you can’t control yourself from harming others, animals or things, there is work to do.

    I am not saying one can not have the thoughts of doing the wildest or weirdest things. Thoughts about options are okay but having an urge to commit diametral actions or even performing them seems somewhat pathologic to me.

  • I already upvoted that post 😄 and I am still struggling to comprehend his overall and specific level of expertise to be able to address the different topics more accurate.

    He’ll probably come around again later somewhere as thoughts might need some time in the dark back of the skull to entangle to threads and ideas to experiment again. At least that’s how it works for me, still drilling on Nix and the pros and cons of channels vs flakes, imperative vs descriptive, systemwide vs useronly, neofetch from deb or nix, …

  • First, I sincerely applaud you for your texts you posted on this topic, they are level-headed and stock-full of information, much better than I could have ever written them. Thank you!

    I am not the Linux community. The more I learn about how Ubuntu does things, the more I don’t like it. That’s fine – you’re welcome to think they are right and I am wrong.

    I mean – I’m not trying to say you did anything wrong or illogical in just looking for software and downloading the .deb that said it was for Ubuntu. I’m just saying that that’s not the easiest way to do it.

    Here I would like to differ, because I think it is important to explicitly tell and guide what is a good, reliable way of installing packages (using apt) and what not (directly installing untrusted packages of any kind or form from $randomSite)

    I feel this is especially important for new users of Linux because I think they need strict and good guidelines to prevent future havock and disappointment by following extremely bad advice they have not yet the experience to spot as bad advice.

  • And i’ve had plenty of people here tell me “yes, you CAN install deb packages, and many apps will GIVE you deb packages, and the ubuntu page says Debian packages is the very HEART of ubuntu. But you’d be insane to install something like that”.

    That one is on Canonical/Ubuntu, too.

    Ubuntu is a bastard spinoff of Debian and is run by a pretty evil corporation.

    They took the Debian .deb packages and their format and modified them so they are sometimes compatible and sometimes incompatible to the original Debian packaging format. And on top of that, they didn’t even rename the package suffix so there are now two kinds of .deb packages: original Debian and semicompatible from Canonical. They also have different package dependency definitions, so installing the same program on either might pull in different dependencies (which is actually not a bad thing, as packages might got sliced differently; mentioned for completeness)

    Always use the distribution’s package manager to install packages from the distribution’s repositories, try to avoid installing packages directly, as they are then outside of the repository ecosystem. Do not do it!

    I would go as far as saying: if the program is not packaged, think twice if an alternative wouldn’t be the better option as otherwise you’ll have a foreign package installed in your system, with possibly broken dependencies and that does not get updates, which in effect undermines one of the core Linux principles, there is not a single Linux distribution without a kind of package management. (Disclaimer: there probably is because with Linux you can do pretty much everything but it would just be a rare one and not for general consumption)

  • neonred@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlBankruptcy is lifesaving
    6 months ago

    Indeed. But they want to make money, so they rise the interest rate to make even more money and cut losses on failed debt repayments.

    They solely exist to make money by extorting the people in debt. Who would have guessed?

    So? Never have debts.

    “Consumer” debts should ethically not exist as consumers just consume the money and are therefore not able to pay it back as it is not an “investment” debt, which has the chance to succeed.

  • neonred@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlBankruptcy is lifesaving
    6 months ago

    About these unexpected costs:

    • medical insurance is a must, otherwise you are gambling and the chances to lose this bet are quite high.

    • funerals happen unexpected - when they actually absolutely do not. Everybody can be sure to die, so plan accordingly.

    • being “in deep credit card debt” is too late. One should never have swam out this far. Being “a tiny little bit in debt” should have the alarm bells blasting as financing is not self sustaining, “a tiny litte bit” is already much too late already because you’ve entered the spiral

    • student debts - well, not everybody has to study. If you can’t afford it reflect on it, if you really must. And if yes, seek alternatives like leaving the country tht is hell-bent to enslave you in debt if you want to study, find sponsors, arrange it with your expectations about a longer time horizon, etc. You are not able to pay for it? Do not do it! Seek solutions.

  • It’s not you.

    Out of innocent ignorance and bad suggestions you just chose one of the worst distributions (anything from Canonical) with the worst UI (Gnome).

    Learn and just try again, that’s totally okay.

    If you want to stay in the deb ecosystem I’d suggest Debian with KDE Plasma. Don’t let people tell you Debian is outdated or old or something, they are just uninformed. Plasma is also very advanced with VRR and HDR in the process of being finalized or already done.

    Most distributions offer a live image so you can try them out in a virtual machine without going through installing every one on your hardware.