When I get bored with the conversation/tired of arguing I will simply tersely agree with you and then stop responding. I’m too old for this stuff.

  • 7 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 8th, 2024


  • mycodesucks@lemmy.worldOPtomemes@lemmy.worldboo.py
    11 days ago

    Good point.

    “Me writing a script that looks for my obituary, and when it finds it, sends memes from my account to my friends, until one of the random memes is a webp, python starts throwing errors in an infinite loop, it doesn’t properly reset the timer because I had that inside the try block, and the whole system crashes from an error log file eating all the hard disk space 2 days later.”

  • More work than I wanted to put into this, but in the interests of meme integrity, I just personally checked out Zyuranger episode 34, and yes, while it’s not a direct literal translation of the original Japanese (She doesn’t call him a baby - she just says “CRY CRY CRY!”), it’s accurate in spirit.

    Rest easy. My shitpost is legitimate.

  • I can see the point in theory, but when this would’ve been really helpful, my experience is 80% of the time the video maker’s hand is obscuring the important stuff, and the video is often out of focus or frame anyway, and a red circle on a photo as an alternative will usually do just fine. The nice thing about still photos is, the photographer REALLY has to think about each shot, and if it is showing the important thing they want to reveal in that shot. If it isn’t, they’re forced to either retake it or take extra photos to get the point across.

    With a video, the videographer is distracted by talking and doing a thing at the same time, and they just think “Yeah, it’s video. I got it.” and they often don’t even rewatch the footage.

  • mycodesucks@lemmy.worldOPtoMemes@lemmy.mlVideo posts are torture
    1 month ago

    Absolutely. You usually don’t need a whole step-by-step 40 minute walkthrough anyway. You need help with a SPECIFIC step and it’s MUCH easier to scroll through a page or CTRL+F the part you need than try to scroll around a freaking youtube video that you can’t search unless you run it through a text transcriber. Not to mention the bandwidth and storage waste, the annoying, unclear voices, the sponsor ads…

    I swear people learning most things from youtube videos either have COMPLETELY different brain wiring, or are just straight up insane.

    Well, I guess that’s not fair… they might ALSO be lying about learning. That’s the hustle culture, I guess. Learning things is less important than the APPEARANCE of learning things.

  • mycodesucks@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlUncle Sam is at it again
    2 months ago

    It’s easy to say that when you’re an outside party who doesn’t understand or care about the underlying issues. Not to minimize the issue with the metaphor, but have you ever fought with a sibling or someone else at school and your disinterested parent our authority figure told you to both to stop without addressing any of either of your underlying problems? How well did it work?

    Pretending that “just stop it” deals with the realities of a complex history of real grievances and legitimate causes for anger and retribution on both sides is the most magical of magical thinking, and it doesn’t help that third party negotiators usually start their peace proceedings by learning NOTHING about the history of distrust and anger building up over decades, picking a side to ride or die with, and then declaring the issue fixed as soon as someone signs an agreement.