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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Wasn’t the immunity against covid relatively short-lived? I remember something about even getting covid not building long-term resistance, so that would mean that even the vaccine did reverse its effect at some point.

    What I absolutely despise, and my own friend brought up in an online conversation, was the abortion embryos.

    He claimed abortion clinics everywhere were a conspiracy to harvest matter for the vaccines, all government controlled.

    After nagging him a lot, he provided a link from which he wanted to prove his claim.

    Surprise surprise, the journalistic piece only said there were cells used to develop the vaccine, mostly for testing, from a single embryo from like 1970s.

    We are both from Europe btw.

  • msage@programming.devtoMemes@lemmy.mlMe irl
    2 months ago

    I don’t think that is necessary, as some companies do actually help, either with money or even dedicated staff, which can be as good or better.

    We should push for developers to promote the idea of more help towards FOSS projects, maybe find some hours a month, or send any money saved from not paying for licenses.

  • msage@programming.devtoMemes@lemmy.mlMe irl
    2 months ago

    But I also harp a lot to my superiors about donating to open-source projects we utilize, make loads of money thanks to them, yet never give anything back.

    I kinda get that some projects with limited backing can’t “get their shit together”, when successful users don’t give them anything. It’s a stupid pattern, and I hope we can break it.

  • msage@programming.devtoMemes@lemmy.mlMe irl
    2 months ago

    I tried to get our team to move to Matrix when COVID hit and there was no infrastructure for remote work.

    It was such a shame that it was that exact time Jitsi had issues with Firefox (which most of us use), so we couldn’t videochat.

    If Jitsi had that resolved immediately, we perhaps could have used something open for at least couple of years. Maybe others would follow suit.

    Oh well. Teams it is.