lambda is the time window over which a process is observed for determining the working memory set for a digital computer’s virtual memory management.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023


  • He started out doing challenge videos like “counting to x” and it was literally like a multi-hour long video where he counted to 10,000 I believe. It’s insanely boring but it showed his “dedication to the bit”. Another is saying " pewdiepie like 10,000 times. I may have exaggerated, I’m not at a computer to look up the numbers. Eventually, after tormenting himself and gaining some followers and he got paid some money from youtube. With his first paycheck he made a video of him taking that check and giving it to a homeless person (IIRC). His philosophy was always to take any money he makes and dump it right into the next video. This has allowed him to slowly make bigger and bigger videos. He still regularly does challenge videos (buried himself alive for multiple days, not eating for several days, etc.) But, him dumping all of the money he makes, into the next video has grown from giving his first, probably couple hundred dollar check, to a homeless man, into giving literally millions away per video.

    He also kind of pioneered the thumbnails you are talking about. And yelling at the beginning of the video to grab your attention by showing enthusiasm was also really his thing too. I mean some people had probably used it before. But, he used it regularly and had the type of content that really was that exciting.

    Whether you care for challenge content, giving away money, some combination of both, or neither he also has Beast Philanthropy. That’s his channel where he does good “because he can”. He puts a bunch of money and gets sponsors to give money for causes like, building wells, building houses, paying for surgeries, building hospitals, etc. I thought it was a bit gross to make videos out of charity work at first. But, it helps a lot of people in under served countries, and raises awareness to them and the charities that try to help them. Also, all the money they make on that channel goes to the charity of each episode.

    That was more than I thought I would type for sure…

  • I apologize for the confusion.

    It makes it so that the direction of the switch doesn’t matter. Flipping the switch toggles to the off or on state that it’s not currently in. I like to think of it as a three-way switch that you may already have in your house where up doesn’t necessarily mean ‘on’ because there are two switches involved. The relay in the wall is the other switch. So if you have the light on in home assistant but you flip the switch, it’ll turn the light off whether it was up or down. I hope I made more sense.

    If my wifi goes out my switches function as normal too.

  • I love my Shelly relays. I don’t use the stock firmware though. I have them overwritten with ESPhome.

    I have heard that you can have full local control with them now and that it’s not really necessary to do a custom firmware. I just like having a configuration file that tells me exactly everything that it can do. That and I have a script running that updates all my ESPhome devices automatically.