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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023

  • Well with food something unusual at first feels weird but once you try it it might actually be good. I’ve had this experience quite a lot. Probably shows how much you’re conditioned to liking certain foods just because you’re used to them and grew up with them. So I’m not gonna judge how this would taste. But the first impression was like “ugh”.

  • If you use Google’s Play Services and/or other Google proprietary apps and services (they are standard on all commercial Android phones), then your battery will be drained slightly more due to it having spyware (euphemism: “telemetry”) integrated. The Google Play services app, for example, does transmit at the minimum this data roughly every 20 minutes to Google:

    Phone #
    SIM Card #
    IMEI (world-wide unique device ID)
    S/N of your device
    WIFI MAC address
    Android ID
    Mail Address of your  logged in Google account
    IP address

    And that is just if you have disabled ALL telemetry in ALL of the options, even the most hidden ones. So this is the minimum amount they are always gathering from every Android user, no matter what you selected. To make matters worse, the Google Play services is typically installed as a “system critical app” which means you as the owner of the phone can’t even uninstall it or reduce some of its permissions.

    (If you have an iPhone instead, and think you’re safe from this, no you aren’t. Apple also collects a minimum amount of telemetry data which you cannot ever completely disable, it just does it slightly less frequently (IIRC, it was like every hour or so, compared to Google’s every 20min at the minimum).

    And then there’s also the advertisement ID, a world-wide unique identifier set in all commercial Androids as well as iOS, for apps to track you. You can only reset it to a new random ID but never disable it fully.

    To stop all of this bullsh!t, and also to stop the additional battery/resource drain caused by this, I recommend getting a Pixel phone and replacing the proprietary stock Android OS with GrapheneOS and then not installing any Google apps/services on top of it. You can get apps via F-Droid, Obtainium, Aurora store (those are the convenient methods). You can use ntfy as an alternative to the Google firebase messaging (notification) service that you won’t have access to when not having Google Play services running.

  • Problem is, when you don’t oppose stuff like that, stuff like that gets added more and more and it’s all opt-out and some day you’ll have an update and something’s turned on by default and you don’t realize that for a year or so and then you’re like “shit, was this really on all the time”. Even worse when they hide settings well in the UI, or use dark patterns to annoy or trick you to enable a setting that’s actually bad for you.

    Opt-out stuff is just bad, even in small doses. It’s always kind of a scam. I wish Mozilla wouldn’t need that kind of stuff. I mean they could be the knight-in-shining-privacy-armor browser, compared to Chrome/Edge/Opera/… But they are all similar unfortunately (by default). Yes, Firefox is still less worse than Chrome/Edge/Opera are by default. But “less worse” doesn’t equal “good”. Yes, you can configure Firefox to behave well, and by using a good preconfigured user.js these settings also will stick after updates. But you shouldn’t have to do that in the first place. The common user doesn’t do that and shouldn’t have to. The Firefox forks like LibreWolf or Mullvad Browser for example do not have anything bad enabled by default. And it’s likely they won’t ever have anything bad enabled after updates. So it is possible. The only reason the common browser makers aren’t doing it is because that gives them (or their business partners) less data/money.

  • RethinkDNS is probably better, but I’m currently still using NetGuard Pro and kind of happy with it, but I will soon migrate to Rethink DNS. If you use NetGuard, make sure to use the Pro version, download its hosts file and use it in whitelist mode and display all contacted hosts/IPs for each app (block everything by default, allow only the technically necessary connections!). The more proprietary apps you use, the more tracking hosts you’ll see being contacted (lots of proprietary apps contact Google, Meta, etc.). Don’t allow these connections.

  • Arch breaking easily is such an over-exaggeration. I’ve run Arch so many years and the amount of tinkering I’ve had to do because of botched updaates is so minimal. Often times, they announce it on their main website even, with instructions on how to fix it. You also should have configured filesystem snapshots to easily revert after a bad update. Or have a USB installation medium ready to boot from and then repair/downgrade the affected bad package. That’s usually all there is to do, and it happens rarely.

    If you have multiple problems after Arch upgrades, then I’d guess that’s a misconfiguration on your end, leading to unstable system behavior after updates. Arch doesn’t do any kind of hand-holding, you’re allowed to completely misconfigure and break your system, but then it’s also your own fault.

    If you didn’t update for a while, you should probably update the archlinux-keyring package first, then do the rest of the updates. Otherwise, the other packages won’t be able to be updated when package signing keys changed in the meantime

    So yeah, I wouldn’t recommend Arch for beginners, unless you really want to learn Linux the “hard way” and have a little bit of spare time and don’t mind reading on the Wiki, but still, Arch instability is kind of over-exaggeration. Arch is very stable for a rolling release distro, but you do have to do a little bit of maintenance every now and then. That’s the nature of rolling-release. I still wouldn’t call that unstable, though.

  • kyub@discuss.tchncs.detoLinux@lemmy.worldAnti Malware with Linux
    2 months ago

    If the user is at least somewhat competent, antivirus is normally not needed. Antivirus has several issues on its own, before even considering its defense “capabilities”: it can contain spyware itself (harvesting user data, auto-uploading “interesting” files to the AV vendor cloud which leaks personal data, etc… e.g. Avast was recently caught spying on the web browser traffic of all their user base and then selling that data. Yes, that’s an AV vendor you’re supposed to trust), AV (like all software) has security holes which can be exploited (there was already malware which only worked BECAUSE you had an AV installed, and it wouldn’t have worked if you hadn’t), and you have one more process constantly running in the background with lots of access rights which isn’t great either, it may even damage your system by finding and quarantining false positives, and if your system is already infected then any AV running on it is also compromised as well and won’t find certain malware anymore because the malware can hide its processes from the AV. Furthermore, AV is only somewhat good at detecting past threats, not good at all at detecting current, dangerous threats. (Typically, virus writers test their own creations against current AV anyway, ensuring that they don’t detect it). Also, no AV detects e.g. Windows 10+/MS Office/MS Edge/Google Chrome/etc.'s invasive telemetry, which is (in this case) a euphemism for spyware functionality bundled with an otherwise legitimate application. AV should at least warn about it, otherwise it doesn’t live up to its promises of combating spyware at all.

    All in all, a competent user is likely to have more security/privacy issues or trouble WITH an AV, than without it. Which means, in the hands of a competent user, AV is the only thing on the system which behaves the most like malware. So simply by learning and following good security practices, you can avoid most if not all threats coming your way anyway, without any additional software needed on your machine.

    That said, if the user is quite incompetent and executes everything at random and doesn’t really care what sites he visits or what phishing mails he opens, and generally has a carefree attitude when workilng at the device, then having an antivirus constantly scanning everything and maybe avoid execution of a known threat, can do more good than harm.

    If you’re ever unsure, upload the file in question to virustotal.com - it will scan with something like 30 antivirus engines. You can’t do that on your own. That makes it more likely that something is found, if there is a known threat in it. Or ask on a forum. If you’re unsure your own system is infected, scan it with an offline virus scanner booted from a USB drive (preferably also with multiple scan engines), because scanning from inside an already infected system cannot ever guarantee full recovery. Although, no AV can ever guarantee full recovery regardless, which is why in the end you should completely re-install any infected system, and not rely on one AV’s cleaning capability. Because there’s no guarantee that the AV found and cleaned everything. If the malware contained a backdoor then maybe there’s new, undetected malware already present as well.

  • Clickbaity titles on videos or news sites is the new standard. I watched it. The point he’s making is basically that music was harder to make/produce some 50 years ago, so there was more incentive to “make it worth the effort”, compared to today. And the 2nd point he makes is that music consumption is now so easy as well (listen to whatever you want instantly) compared to when you could only listen to something when you bought the physical album, that there’s also less incentive for the listener to really get involved into some albums.

    Personally I think these are valid points on the surface but they are not “the answer” to this kind of multi-faceted question. They’re at best a factor but we don’t know how big these factors are. Also I think one big reason he thinks that way is because he grew up in that environment and so he has a bias for “owning physical copies of albums”.

    I also think music hasn’t gotten worse, the market is just simply over-saturated because there’s just way too much music, you’ll never be able to listen to it all. And there are absolutely hidden gems or really good bands/artists forming even today, it’s just much harder to find them. Generally a problem of today’s age: it’s likely that what you’re looking for already exists, you just have to find it within a whole ocean of content.

    If you’re looking for innovative or non-standard stuff, you can always look at smaller artists or the indie scene, same is true for movies, games, music. The big producers always have a tendency to stick to what works and what’s proven to be popular so everything becomes similar. But smaller artists do not have to care about such things, they are ready to risk much more and in doing so, you might just create a real gem or something that was never or almost never tried before.

  • Well, ever since Win8 or Win10 I stopped having much sympathy with Windows users. They deserve things like that, when they still remain on that ship. Since these things are being introduced in small portions (salami tactics), the users will slowly become familiar with these things and just accept them because they can’t change anything anyway, thus slowly incorporating a defeatist’s attitude towards all the bloat, ads and spying. AKA, learned helplessness. In a couple of years, Windows will be absolutely horrible, but people will be used to it. I’ll just say this: Windows used to NOT have this kind of crap integrated.

  • Yes. Even though not using all this crap may sometimes feel like you’re missing out on certain stuff, it is still the right thing to do. I don’t support abusive behavior, bloatware and spyware, so companies doing that will not receive any money from me if I can help it.

    We’re basically just one step ahead of the general population, who basically (still) eats up anything that’s being served by big tech corporations, without any second thoughts or hesitations. The general population IMHO is currently at the stage that nerds were like 25 years ago, in that they tend to be naively enthusiastic about every new piece of tech. But nowadays, tech can be abusive towards their users, and so it’s important to choose the right tech. The general population hasn’t made that realization yet (or they don’t care, which also must change).

    The media is also partly to blame for this, for example almost every new review of any Samsung or Apple phone is usually very positive, usually just reporting about the advancements in hardware and UI, without even mentioning any of the downsides these have on the software side. And so when reviews don’t even mention downsides anymore, there’s a lack of information available.

    And it’s not even that regular users don’t like the alternatives. For example I convinced a friend to move from a regular spyware-infested Samsung Galaxy phone (which he was using all the time, and he even wanted to buy a new one) to a Pixel with GrapheneOS. He’s not missing anything, even though his transition wasn’t super smooth, overall he’s happier now, and he mentioned that he likes the OS being so clean and unencumbered. He doesn’t particularly care about the privacy and security improvements which he now also enjoys, which is a bit sad, but at least he’s happy with the lean and unmodified Android (open source) experience.

    So, as usual, information/knowledge is power. People need to know that alternatives exist and that some alternatives are actually really, really good. And they need to know what the problems are with the “default stuff everyone uses”, so that they can make better informed decisions in the future. They also need to become less dependent on big tech companies. The alternatives have little to no PR and thus little public visibility in comparison, except via word of mouth, so we need to make the most out of that.