If they’re high enough, they’ll probably asphyxiate before they hit the ground.
Here’s some search keywords for you: rainbow dash jar
I will never forgive 4chan for ruining jars.
It’s actually the insurance company’s job to fuck you
I’m gay for moleman
Should’ve been $9.11
Can’t forget what you never knew. Just don’t forget about Pikachu.
Espresso is also not coffee.
No, don’t love Spider-Man. Don’t you know what happens to people who love Spider-man?
This is likely a honeypot email sent by your organization. If you click any links, you’ll be automatically signed up for a cyber security seminar. Go ahead and hit the report message button in Outlook.
I have that in my tower. Too bad I use my laptop mostly.
It’d be a shame if Martin won because he was the only one who voted because voting is for nerds.
If Perungua can only speak Namekian, then Shenron probably only speaks English or Japanese depending on if you’re watching the dub or sub.
And since when is the Krusty Krab such a fine dining restaurant to have plates and silverware?
Just wait until Ladybird kicks off, then Mozilla can die.
Blueberry: These are strange times for Berry Club.
Yogi is smarter than the average tourist.