• 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • This is wrong. So very wrong. “Stop flying as much”? Dude, the majority of people that I know didn’t fly airplane a single time in their lives. Small percentage flew perhaps a few times in their decades-long lives.

    The lists misses more reasonable things:

    • ditch whatever modern “high energy demand” fad there is, be it bitcoin mining or electric car
    • spend less time on activities that rely on energy consumption, be it online browsing, or playing high-demand video games
    • vote for whatever party there is, that wants to build nuclear power plants and postulate to bring cheap energy to every household
    • vote for whatever party plans to do something about urban infrastructure, so that mass transit and bikes become plausible alternative to a car
    • as much as possible avoid Chinese stuff, avoid enterprises that outsource their work to China, yes it means skipping yet another iCrap announced
    • do not exchange hardware/electronic/digital devices that often, ffs the cpu/gpu/memory values do not matter that much
    • don’t change your diet, but consider improving it - eat less, waste less, do not overindulge on delicacies
    • learn as much as you can about things that reduce your reliance on the society and the products/services it provides

  • No. The responses are the way they are, because people who gave them are already thinking they joined some elitistic “muh sikret klub!” group.

    Simple “eh, it won’t fix the problem, and here’s why and how YOU can help” would be preferable, but no, special elite force of lemmy underground is too privileged to bother.

    Thank heavens not everyone is like that. Saves the number of times I have to hit “block the idiot” button.

  • I find this comment section a prime example of dickish hivemind seething over nothing.

    There’s a dude, obviously quite fresh in the ways of Mastodon. He probably doesn’t realize all the nuts & bolts supporting the system and how it all works. He is asking a question that is logical, but it needs clarification, like “it doesn’t work like this, my man”.

    Instead he gets “Hsssssssssssssss, selfhost it, hsssssssssssssssssssss, interloper, hsssssssssssssssssss, you want to destroy this place, hssssssssssssssss…”

    Get a life, eejits.