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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: February 28th, 2023

  • I got to thinking about IRC some time ago, and how much creative time we spent solving the fundamental problem of how, exactly, to use the internet without needing some sort of middleman, like a crazy person hosting a server for no clear reason, so that we could all communicate together.

    That and designing the thing so that even if the hardware in your closet got hammered with a bajillion visits it wouldn’t stutter because it was all too light weight for that. But also, fuck no I would rather throw myself down the stairs than arrange it so that I have to maintain it a lot. That type of thinking defined an era, and that’s why zombo.com still works.

    I have to put more maintenance into my Gmail account than the zombo guy does into the entire website, is what I’m saying. Return to monke, is what I’m saying.

  • Beefalo@midwest.socialtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldAI or DEI?
    4 months ago

    Please note that the prompt says “queens of England” very clearly, which turns it into a glorified Google image search, so the results are unacceptable trash, and vaguely leftist language about people being angry for the lack of racism are your problem, only. Fuck off, troll.

    The real issue is that even with a handholding, direct and easy prompt, the tech cannot simply hand over pictures, even generated ones to avoid copyright issues, that come from easily discovered answers on Wikipedia and who knows how many other credible sources. The lineage of the British Royal Family is all but open-source data - probably is, literally - and your mom can probably name three Queens offhand though she’s Canadian. This thing completely ate shit on an easy, easy prompt.

    I don’t know how many times now I’ve seen some YouTuber use “evil Jerome Powell” as a prompt for a thumbnail, and get a clear picture of him complete with devil horns, copyright be damned, so what the f? The AI isn’t this stupid, that means they’re nerfing it and screwing it up. You best believe they’re still selling it, though.

    What other results will it comically fuck up, but you don’t have the knowledge to critique? You won’t see the results, either, somebody else will use them to judge your resume; IS using them, now. Fucking lazy hiring managers are going to just plug your name into this thing and ask for a synopsis of your life so they don’t have to work. It will just fill in missing information with lies, and they’ll eat it up. I guess you shot two people a couple of years ago and didn’t know about it. I wonder why you didn’t get the job?

    People have been crazy dumb with this AI, meaning young, smart, tech-savvy people with heavy internet backgrounds who should know better than to trust keep treating it like an oracle, because they have some weird blind spot about this technology. Ignorant executives who think math is for slurs are going to make it do everything.

    They’re going to use this technology to decide who gets an apartment, who gets arrested, and a bunch of other shit, save your leftism for that.

  • This announcement is just “oh by the way, the horse is now out of the barn. He left like 10 years ago but this is the announcement.”

    Shout out to whoever dismissed the first AI writings with “It’s like a perfect Redditor. Totally confident and completely full of shit, doesn’t even know that it’s lying.”

    That doesn’t happen by accident. That happens when everyone was already scraping the shit out of the site, at the very least.

  • I’ve become more and more convinced that considerations like yours, which I do not understand since I don’t rely on GPUs professionally, have been the main driver of Nvidia’s market share. It makes sense.

    The online gamer talk is that people just buy Nvidia for no good reason, it’s just internet guys refusing to do any real research because they only want a reason to stroke their own egos. This gamer-based GPU market is a loud minority whose video games don’t seem to rely too heavily on any card features for decent performance, or especially compatibility, with what they’re doing. Thus, the constant idea that people “buy Nvidia for no good reason except marketing”.

    But if AMD cards can’t really handle things like machine learning, then obviously that is a HUGE deficiency. The public probably isn’t certain of its needs when it spends $400 on a graphics card, it just notices that serious users choose Nvidia for some reason. The public buys Nvidia, just in case. Maybe they want to do something they haven’t thought of yet. I guess they’re right. The card also plays games pretty well, if that’s all they ever do.

    If you KNOW for certain that you just want to play games, then yeah, the AMD card offers a lot of bang for your buck. People aren’t that certain when they assemble a system, though, or when they buy a pre-built. I would venture that the average shopper at least entertains the idea that they might do some light video editing, the use case feels inevitable for the modern PC owner. So already they’re worrying about maybe some sort of compatibility issue with software they haven’t bought, yet. I’ve heard a lot of stories like yours, and so have they. I’ve never heard the reverse. I’ve never heard somebody say they’d like to try Nvidia but they need AMD. Never. So everyone tends to buy Nvidia.

    The people dropping the ball are the reviewers, who should be putting a LOT more emphasis on use cases like yours. People are putting a lot of money into labs for exhaustive testing of cooling fans for fuck’s sake, but just running the same old gaming benchmarks like that’s the only thing anyone will ever do with the most expensive component in the modern PC.

    I’ve also heard of some software that just does not work without CUDA. Those differences between cards should be tested and the results made public. The hardware journalism scene needs to stop focusing so hard on damned video games and start focusing on all the software where Nvidia vs AMD really does make a difference, maybe it would force AMD to step up its game. At the very least, the gamebros would stop acting like people buy Nvidia cards for no reason except some sort of weird flex.

    No, dummy, AMD can’t run a lot of important shit that you don’t care about. There’s more to this than the FPS count on Shadow of the Tomb Raider.

  • Beefalo@midwest.socialtoMemes@lemmy.mlSalmon
    10 months ago

    Idunno, I feel like they certainly fathom it to some degree. They have an awful lot of funky little predator evasion techniques for an animal with no fathom.

    That whole schooling thing is a bunch of fish going, I know they like eating us, but I’d rather they eat YOU.

    I do agree that they have no conception of humanity, just that sometimes their friends get raptured away by something that makes a boat noise.

  • Yahoo Finance managed to make itself real damn useful, and that’s one of the most lucrative ad markets, if not THE most lucrative.

    When I woke my Yahoo Mail account from its ancient slumber, everything was in Spanish for some reason, and I expect that reason is that they expanded outside the US and have a large user base in South America, where Yahoo probably doesn’t look as dead. “Free email” goes even farther when your country doesn’t get to have the world’s reserve currency. So Yahoo just defaulted to Spanish for accounts until I had to tell it I’m a gringo.

    Americans really do have a hard time remembering the rest of the globe exists, but our companies don’t, so a lot of companies that seem “dead” are just really active outside the US.

    So yeah, somebody is still using Yahoo News. Quite a lot of somebodies, actually. Even Americans. Especially Americans. They hooked us with real nice stock market quotes and such. That’s how you reel a Yankee back in, make it easy to see that revenue trend at a glance.

  • The thing is that there are a ton of people who’ve built honest careers on Youtube, mostly by catering to an adult niche. There is a near zero chance that I will suddenly find out that Torque Test Channel have, like, dark problems with kids. These people don’t have scandals. Maybe somebody takes an iffy ad dollar that’s a conflict of interest or something. The end.

    But those are things your dad watches, they get a solid 100k views per average per upload and we both know that number is nothing on YouTube.

    No, if you want to see serious numbers on YouTube and keep your average views above 1 mil per upload, you need children. You need 12-year-old eyeballs, ones that aren’t supposed to be watching you because you’re for older kids, the forbidden fruit.

    If you want tween eyeballs, you need a shrieking fucking weirdo. You need a grown man who will act like the sort of 12-year-old boy that your 12-year-old boy would act like if he had power and people couldn’t tell him to calm the fuck down. They’ll be glued to that fuckin guy. Views and views for days while they live their fantasy of a world where mom can’t tell them no, and they can have stunning emotional fits about video games until they exhaust themselves.

    Nothing else will do, is the problem. He can’t really be faking it, either, that’s just annoying, no, there’s got to be something wrong with him that children love to watch.

    And so, over and over and over again, it turns out that the exhausting, obnoxious man who you loved as a child is fucked up, for real, once the years wear on, and you finally become an adult yourself, but this kook has had far too long to stew in his weird power trip, probably isolated from adult company because fuck being that guy’s entourage. He’s got too much money, so he can make stuff happen. He’s got no oversight. Even Jimmy Seville had to hide it from the help most of the time. This guy’s in a house alone to do as he pleases.

    It’s a bad recipe, and it bakes shitty cakes.

    Every once in a while the cube of fate rolls funny, and you get Jerma, who should be one of these guys but instead his audience appears to be grown transwomen and their friends, all of them deranged, poisoned by years on 4Chan and Tumblr, with Jerma at their mercy, so whenever that situation goes sideways we can probably put Yackety Sax over the footage and actually enjoy it. That trainwreck should be a real treat.