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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023


  • irish_link@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlAre we the baddies?
    3 months ago

    Originally i would agree but i am referencing how things are today as that’s what the meme is referencing.

    If you asked Americans today if they are the rebels or the empire the folks I know concede that we are the empire. We are the ones going into other peoples home towns with military occupation.

  • irish_link@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlAre we the baddies?
    3 months ago

    No, not okay. The monkey puppet reaction.

    We are not shocked to learn we are the bad guys. I never said it’s okay, I just disagree with the reaction meme to indicate we didn’t know it.

    Not sure where you pulled “it’s okay because America” from my statement but no need to jump to conclusions and put words in peoples mouth.

  • Yeah, I am glad I essentially stopped. (In case you couldn’t tell I was joking with my tone)

    Glad you are bringing up some of these points because most people don’t actually realize it ages you.

    All real talk aside it’s now time to start rewatching Cowboy Bebop. Hahaa

  • No… I hate to tell you this but you are completely wrong. I smoked since i was 18 and even grew up with parents that smoked. I eventually stopped daily smoking when i was 25 years old. I only smoke every once in a while when i get together with my friends. About 2-3 packs a year now if we have to put a number on it.

    I am not even 40 yet and I TOTALLY HAVE HAIR, TRUE MAN I DO. I HAVE HAIR, AND LOTS OF IT. “I have the most hair anyone has ever seen” end sentence with index and thumbs together touch each hand in an ‘okay sign’ pointing at each other

  • irish_link@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlHave mercy on our souls
    5 months ago

    I understand your point in the creator but I find fault in that argument.

    Historically it doesn’t matter what the creator of anything prefers unless it’s an “unveiling” and they name it on the spot. People in general will take something and run with it regardless of the creators intent. The perfect example is “light saber” versus “laser sword.” (Edit forgot to add the word sword after laser)

    To be honest I don’t care all that much. If you say jif or gift without the t, either way I know what you are talking about.

  • Not sure where you are at but a new faceplate is like $2 max. You can get one that is double outlet one big box and one tiny slot for the switch it you want. You can also opt to replace the other switch as well with a sea saw switch that is in a box shape as well for like $5.

    There are options.

    Way back I had replaced some of mine with Wemos before they went cloud based. I did exactly this, replaced the faceplate for like $1.50 and was set.

    Do you have a tasmota switch in mind already?