• 0 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • With synology, its easy to use but you need an account with them to do a bunch of stuff easily.

    However, you can also self host a bunch of stuff, without a synology account, but its easier with.

    Personally, I’ve got a synology and would recommend it. My next has will likely be a beefier synology as I’ve got a pretty basic one and it struggles to have all the arrs and jellyfin running at once. My next after that would probably be a repurposed PC or laptop or self build. The synology experience will allow me to identify what I actually want to achieve.

    If you currently don’t use any cloud services, then maybe its not for you. If you do, I’d get the synology with the synology account and reduce my cloud dependency. You don’t have to start with perfect. There can be a path that’s just gradual incremental improvement.

  • hitmyspot@aussie.zonetoLemmy Support@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    2 months ago

    It will be slightly different for all, it most posts are on the top 10 instances. Beehaw, hexbear and dbzero are defederated from some instances. So those posts and comments will be absent on instances that don’t federate. Yes, you may miss some content due to that. But you can change instance if its generally content you want to see.

    There will be some difference based on voting too, depending on how you sort.

    If younspin up an instance and federate within the top instances, you’ll see more content than those instances that have more users but defederate from some. However, community discovery will be lower, so you might miss content in other ways.

    Try not to think of content as complete anywhere. You can’t read all comments on any social media. Just participate within communities you like and are federated with.