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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 12th, 2023

    1. Non-commercial and ethical clauses. These are commonly seen attempts to restrict licenses in violation of OSD 6, “No Discrimination Against Field of Endeavor.” These types of clauses limit where, why and how the software can be used.

    It’s that simple. Any attempt to restrict who can use the software, and how they can use it, renders it OSD incompatible. Chiefly, with this:

    1. No Discrimination Against Fields of Endeavor
      The license must not restrict anyone from making use of the program in a specific field of endeavor. For example, it may not restrict the program from being used in a business, or from being used for genetic research.

  • He didn’t have to deal with it. The firm I worked for was quite large and covered various specializations. I was a paralegal in estate planning. He was in… corporate contracts? Something like that. Even if he was the EP attorney he wouldn’t have to make the calls I did. You ever have to tell a 90 year old woman that her husband died without a will because your firm is incompetent? I have, among many more great hits of COVID. Yay trauma dumping!

  • The problem with that is it applies throughout the year. Those weren’t the only unattainable metrics.

    To give you an idea of what this place was like, I was shitcanned because I spent too much time in “UNAVAILABLE” status. For two whole days I was “UNAVAILABLE.” It was on the last day of one month and the first day of the following month. When the next review came up I was auto-termed because I missed my “AVAILABLE” numbers two months in a row.

    I was “UNAVAILABLE” because I had been promoted and was in training for two days. My trainer told me to be “UNAVAILABLE.”

    Apparently that wasn’t a good enough reason for being “UNAVAILABLE.” Rather than correcting it or even trying to stick up for me my manager gave me a “Sorry, nothing I can do.”

    Nordstrom, by the way. Garbage company. Do not work for them.

  • I lost all respect for an attorney I worked with when I saw that his LinkedIn was just covered with DeSantis/Abbott praise during COVID. The firm I was with did estate planning. We were so swamped in estate planning and probate (meaning a client had died) we had to bring on multiple new people to handle the caseload.

    And this motherfucker was totally onboard with anti-mask garbage.

    So I guess LinkedIn KIND OF works in that it tells you who the idiots are.

  • Someone I know online had a coworker that offered to fluff up my resume. First thing she asked “What’s your LinkedIn?” I don’t have one and don’t intend to have one. “Well there’s nothing I can really do if you don’t have a LinkedIn. Nobody will hire you without one.”

    I’ll work for Nobody in that case. Probably a better employer than one that is so lazy they can’t even hire without a bullshit website telling them exactly what’s already on my resume.

  • If you give people good metrics to hit, they’ll hit them. If you don’t have good metrics then you rely on seeing asses in seats to know if people are working.

    By the same token, if you give them stupid-ass metrics you create your own turnover.

    I worked for a call center that had metrics based on prior month performance. If you didn’t match, you were out. Okay, fine, except this was retail. Oh, you didn’t take as many calls in January as you did in December? You’re out.

    Welcome to corporate reality. It’s all run by idiots.

  • https://vegan.com/health/protein/

    “Diet For a Small Planet, however, unfortunately helped create a persistent myth that vegetarians and vegans faced severe challenges when it comes to getting enough protein. Over the next few decades, multiple studies coupled with the lack of vegans dropping dead from acute protein deficiency extinguished that hysteria.”

    It takes like .2 seconds to verify if your sincerely held religious belief is utter nonsense or not.

    Maybe that’s why so few people bother learning.

  • Which is utterly fucking irrelevant to the idiot-tier statement that somehow vegans/vegetarians don’t get enough protein.

    Only absolute morons who tie their entire identity to eating meat think that, usually losers that hang out in the comments sections of YouTube channels with names like “Carnivoracious” or “BeardMeat” or “Beardivore” or “MeatyBeardMan.” “I eat meat, I have beard, this is my personality, I have nine pounds of undigested meat in my colon and I haven’t shit in a week.”