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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023


  • reasonable expectations and uses for LLMs.

    LLMs are only ever going to be a single component of an AI system. We’ve only had LLMs with their current capabilities for a very short time period, so the research and experimentation to find optimal system patterns, given the capabilities of LLMs, has necessarily been limited.

    I personally believe it’s possible, but we need to get vendors and managers to stop trying to sprinkle “AI” in everything like some goddamn Good Idea Fairy.

    That’s a separate problem. Unless it results in decreased research into improving the systems that leverage LLMs, e.g., by resulting in pervasive negative AI sentiment, it won’t have a negative on the progress of the research. Rather the opposite, in fact, as seeing which uses of AI are successful and which are not (success here being measured by customer acceptance and interest, not by the AI’s efficacy) is information that can help direct and inspire research avenues.

    LLMs are good for providing answers to well defined problems which can be answered with existing documentation.

    Clarification: LLMs are not reliable at this task, but we have patterns for systems that leverage LLMs that are much better at it, thanks to techniques like RAG, supervisor LLMs, etc…

    When the problem is poorly defined and/or the answer isn’t as well documented or has a lot of nuance, they then do a spectacular job of generating bullshit.

    TBH, so would a random person in such a situation (if they produced anything at all).

    As an example: how often have you heard about a company’s marketing departments over-hyping their upcoming product, resulting in unmet consumer expectation, a ton of extra work from the product’s developers and engineers, or both? This is because those marketers don’t really understand the product - either because they don’t have the information, didn’t read it, because they got conflicting information, or because the information they have is written for a different audience - i.e., a developer, not a marketer - and the nuance is lost in translation.

    At the company level, you can structure a system that marketers work within that will result in them providing more correct information. That starts with them being given all of the correct information in the first place. However, even then, the marketer won’t be solving problems like a developer. But if you ask them to write some copy to describe the product, or write up a commercial script where the product is used, or something along those lines, they can do that.

    And yet the marketer role here is still more complex than our existing AI systems, but those systems are already incorporating patterns very similar to those that a marketer uses day-to-day. And AI researchers - academic, corporate, and hobbyists - are looking into more ways that this can be done.

    If we want an AI system to be able to solve problems more reliably, we have to, at minimum:

    • break down the problems into more consumable parts
    • ensure that components are asked to solve problems they’re well-suited for, which means that we won’t be using an LLM - or even necessarily an AI solution at all - for every problem type that the system solves
    • have a feedback loop / review process built into the system

    In terms of what they can accept as input, LLMs have a huge amount of flexibility - much higher than what they appear to be good at and much, much higher than what they’re actually good at. They’re a compelling hammer. System designers need to not just be aware of which problems are nails and which are screws or unpainted wood or something else entirely, but also ensure that the systems can perform that identification on their own.

  • I haven’t worked with Scribus but I’ve heard good things about it, so I don’t think you’d be making a wrong choice by going with it. For this use case, the main reasons I can think of for why LaTeX would be preferable would be:

    • if you preferred working with it, or with a particular LaTeX tool
    • if you want to learn one tool or the other
    • if being able to write a script to create the output is something you want to do and the equivalent is not possible in Scribus

  • If you use that docker compose file, I recommend you comment out the build section and uncomment the image section in the lemmy service.

    I also recommend you use a reverse proxy and Docker networks rather than exposing the postgres instance on port 5433, but if you aren’t familiar with Docker networks you can leave it as is for now. If you’re running locally and don’t open that port in your router’s firewall, it’s a non-issue unless there’s an attacker on your LAN, but given that you’re not gaining anything from exposing it (unless you need to connect to the DB directly regularly - as a one off you could temporarily add the port mapping), it doesn’t make sense to increase your attack surface for no benefit.

  • There’s an idea that just won’t die that Linux is extremely difficult to use/maintain/troubleshoot. It’s certainly often a lot easier than windows, so it just gets to me to see that idea propagated.

    Pretending it’s all sunshine and rainbows isn’t realistic, either. That said, I had a completely different takeaway - that the issues are mostly kinda random and obscure or nitpicky, and the sorts of things you would encounter in any mature OS.

    The issue about PopOS not having a Paint application is actually the most mainstream of them - and it feels very similar to the complaints about iPadOS not including a Calculator app by default. But nobody is concluding that iPads aren’t usable as a result.

    Teams having issues is believable and relevant to many users. It doesn’t matter whose fault an issue is if the user is impacted. TBH, I didn’t even know that Teams was available on Linux.

    That said, the only people who should care about Teams issues on Linux are the ones who need to use them, and anyone who’s used Microsoft products understands that they’re buggy regardless of the platform. Teams has issues on MacOS, too. OneDrive has issues on MacOS. On Windows 10, you can’t even use a local account with Office 365.

  • The idea that someone does this willingly implies that the user knows the implications of their choice, which most of the Fediverse doesn’t seem to do

    The terms of service for lemmy.world, which you must agree to upon sign-up, make reference to federating. If you don’t know what that means, it’s your responsibility to look it up and understand it. I assume other instances have similar sign-up processes. The source code to Lemmy is also available, meaning that a full understanding is available to anyone willing to take the time to read through the code, unlike with most social media companies.

    What sorts of implications of the choice to post to Lemmy do you think that people don’t understand, that people who post to Facebook do understand?

    If the implied license was enough, Facebook and all the other companies wouldn’t put these disclaimers in their terms of service.

    It’s not an implied license. It’s implied permission. And if you post content to a website that’s hosting and displaying such content, it’s obvious what’s about to happen with it. Please try telling a judge that you didn’t understand what you were doing, sued without first trying to delete or file a DMCA notice, and see if that judge sides with you.

    Many companies have lengthy terms of service with a ton of CYA legalese that does nothing. Even so, an explicit license to your content in the terms of service does do something - but that doesn’t mean that you’re infringing copyright without it. If my artist friend asks me to take her art piece to a copy shop and to get a hundred prints made for her, I’m not infringing copyright then, either, nor is the copy shop. If I did that without permission, on the other hand, I would be. If her lawyer got wind of this and filed a suit against me without checking with her and I showed the judge the text saying “Hey hedgehog, could you do me a favor and…,” what do you think he’d say?

    Besides, Facebook does things that Lemmy instances don’t do. Facebook’s codebase isn’t open, and they’d like to reserve the ability to do different things with the content you submit. Facebook wants to be able to do non-obvious things with your content. Facebook is incorporated in California and has a value in the hundreds of billions, but Lemmy instances are located all over the world and I doubt any have a value even in the millions.

  • I haven’t personally used any of these, but looking them over, Tipi looks the most encouraging to me, followed by Yunohost, based largely on the variety of apps available but also because it looks like Tipi lets you customize the configuration much more. Freedom Box doesn’t seem to list the apps in their catalog at all and their site seems basically useless, so I ruled it out on that basis alone.

  • I am trying to avoid having to having an open port 22

    If you’re working locally you don’t need an open port.

    If you’re on a different machine but on the same network, you don’t need to expose port 22 via your router’s firewall. If you use key-based auth and disable password-based auth then this is even safer.

    If you want access remotely, then you still don’t have to expose port 22 as long as you have a vpn set up.

    That said, you don’t need to use a terminal to manage your docker containers. I use Portainer to manage all but my core containers - Traefik, Authelia, and Portainer itself - which are all part of a single docker compose file. Portainer stacks accept docker compose files so adding and configuring applications is straightforward.

    I’ve configured around 50 apps on my server using Docker Compose with Portainer but have only needed to modify the Dockerfile itself once, and that was because I was trying to do something that the original maintainer didn’t support.

    Now, if you’re satisfied with what’s available and with how much you can configure it without using Docker, then it’s fine to avoid it. I’m just trying to say that it’s pretty straightforward if you focus on just understanding the important parts, mainly:

    • docker compose
    • docker networks
    • docker volumes

    If you decide to go that route, I recommend TechnoTim’s tutorials on Youtube. I personally found them helpful, at least.

  • I’m not addressing anything Gitea has specifically done here (I’m not informed enough on the topic to have an educated opinion yet), but just this specific part of your comment:

    And they also demand a CLA from contributors now, which is directly against the idea of FOSS.

    Proprietary software is antithetical to FOSS, but CLAs themselves are not, and were endorsed by RMS as far back as 2002:

    In contrast, I think it is acceptable to … release under the GPL, but sell alternative licenses permitting proprietary extensions to their code. My understanding is that all the code they release is available as free software, which means they do not develop any proprietary softwre; that’s why their practice is acceptable. The FSF will never do that–we believe our terms should be the same for everyone, and we want to use the GPL to give others an incentive to develop additional free software. But what they do is much better than developing proprietary software.

    If contributors allow an entity to relicense their contributions, that enables the entity to write proprietary software that includes those contributions. One way to ensure they have that freedom is to require contributors to sign a CLA that allows relicensing, so clearly CLAs can enable behavior antithetical to FOSS… but they can also enable FOSS development by generating another revenue stream. And many CLAs don’t allow relicensing (e.g., Apache’s).

    Many FOSS companies require contributors to sign CLAs. For example, the FSF has required them since 2005 at least, and its CLA allows relicensing. They explain why, but that explanation doesn’t touch on why license reassignment is necessary.

    Even if a repo requires contributors sign a CLA, nobody’s four freedoms are violated, and nobody who modifies such software is forced to sign a CLA when they share their changes with the community - they can share their changes on their own repo, or submit them to a fork that doesn’t require a CLA, or only share the code with users who purchase the software from them. All they have to do is adhere to the license that the project was under.

    The big issue with CLAs is that they’re asymmetrical (as opposed to DCOs, which serve a similar purpose). That’s understandably controversial, but it’s not inherently a FOSS issue.

    Some of the same arguments against the SSPL (which is not considered FOSS because it is so copyleft that it’s impractical) being considered FOSS could be similarly made in favor of CLAs. Not in favor of signing them as a developer, mind you, but in favor of considering projects that use them to be aligned FOSS principles.

  • You don’t think the Bluetooth codec makes a difference when you’re using Bluetooth headphones? When else would it make a difference?

    I feel like you’re just confusing the codec used for compressing audio for storage and wireless transmission with the codec used for transmission via Bluetooth. That or you’ve just never experienced a setting where a better codec was being used.

    SBC can sound okay, but see here for a breakdown of why it almost never actually does. Basically, it’s capped at only using a fraction of the available bandwidth, even though it could use more if not for arbitrarily imposed limitations.

  • Turning your nose up at SBC isn’t being a codec snob; it’s having functioning ears.

    And if you’re on Android, AAC is not well implemented compared to on iOS / MacOS. Maybe this has changed in the past couple years but it was immediately noticeable to me when I upgraded from the WH-1000XM3s to the XM4s, I could immediately tell that the audio was worse if they weren’t using LDAC. And these don’t have LDAC.

    Unlike with competent compression codecs (mp3 vs AAC vs FLAC), where most people genuinely cannot tell the difference between a well-compressed song vs a lossless one, many people can immediately tell the difference between AptX and AAC or SBC on Android.

    There are plenty of true wireless headphones out there that support LDAC or AptX for less than $100. It’s not surprising to me that people in their target audience would think $150 for something that sounds terrible to them isn’t reasonable.

  • I’m Hedgehog, the poor senior dev who was assigned to review Hal’s code.

    Panel 1: ✅ (PR Approved) LGTM but you’re missing the styling from the mock-ups, should be easy to add.

    Panel 2: ❌ (Changes requested)

    Nit: Hal, your PR failed in CI. You should have used const instead of let. Did you forget to run the linter before pushing?

    Also, the useState hook isn’t doing anything. If it doesn’t need to, just leave it as an uncontrolled component. I didn’t look at the surrounding code but this is part of a form, right? If not then it should be receiving the setter/value as props.

    Panel 3: ✅ LGTM, ship it.

    ❌ Actually wait, you still have that do-nothing state code in there. Either get rid of it or do something with it.

    Panel 4: ❌ Hal, I don’t like where this is going.

    Panel 5: (during stand-up) I reviewed Hal’s PR and just had a couple pieces of feedback. Shouldn’t take long, right, Hal?

    Panel 6: ❌ WTF, Hal. <InputField /> is literally just passing through props to input, so you don’t need it.

    Also, Hal, I recommend you look into the Styled Components library. It might better fit your needs here. You could rewrite the LoginComponent as a styled input. Of course, if you do that you should refactor the existing places where you’re using style sheets to use styled components and themes instead.

    You also still have the do-nothing useState hook for some reason. Seriously, Hal, get rid of it.

    This is how I’d write this without bringing in Styled Components, but if you use it make sure to test it first:

    import React from ‘react’;
    export const LoginForm = (props: React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<‘input’>) => (
        className={`border rounded-md p-2 focus:outline-none focus:border-blue-500 ${props.className || ‘‘}`}