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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Because he’s not actually a billionaire.

    Lists of rich people like Forbes primarily use number approved by the individuals through various means. We know for a fact thanks to the recent fraud case in NY that the Trump Org regularly inflated nearly every number about their business, especially real estate. They regularly inflated the value of property for things like loans and underestimated the value for taxes.

    Trump is well known for requesting people not question his finances in collaborative events like his Comedy Central roast where he can control it.

    People with actual money doesn’t care about that. And that’s just the tip of the monetary iceberg. We’ve learned a lot since Trump decided to run for President the first time. It was probably the worst thing he could have done to keep his grifts running smoothly.

  • You also don’t have a ton of idiots doing stupid things to make their vehicle have issues intentionally usually either.

    There are hundreds, if not thousands, of YouTube videos of people purposely putting the vehicle in extreme situations and situations it wasn’t intended for. Not to mention the ones just doing it because “Fuck Elon”, after paying $100k for the vehicle, because they’ll get the money back from YouTube ads on videos milking it as much as possible.

    I’m not saying all the videos are that, many are legitimate reviews and tests. But a lot are also purposely trying to damage it.

  • I haven’t even considered McDonald’s because their pricing skyrocketed post pandemic when inflation was high. They saw other businesses justifying large price increases by blaming inflation and the idiot consumers accepting the lie, and just ignored the niche their product is in, cheap shit.

    Before the pandemic to be able to get a McDouble, Spicy McChicken and Fries for $4 with tax. Granted, the fries were only $1 with a digital coupon, but that coupon was always there. It was like the 2 tacos for 99¢ deal at Jack in the Box, you just gotta use the app.

    Now that same group of food is $9 and the coupons available are dogshit. 15% off my $10 meal is not a good deal when sales tax is $12%. I’m not really saving much compared to things like BOGO offers and $1 items like it used to be constantly.

  • This is what I did after running consumer Linksys and ASUS routers, including with OpenWRT.

    I moved to a Unifi setup and haven’t had any issues. I can manage it remotely if I need to, like another household member needs something changed or fixed. I’ve never had to restart it to fix an issue, it just works.

    Easy upgrades without having to replace the entire setup and move settings over manually. Especially easy wireless upgrades, almost just plug and play replacing the old access point antenna.

    And if you need just a small setup and you run a home server you can run the management software on there instead of something like their dedicated Cloud Key device.

  • Most nuclear waste issues are vastly over-exaggerated. Most of the nuclear waste is not long term waste. It’s not things like spent fuel rods, it’s things like safety equipment and gear. Those aren’t highly contaminated, and much of it can almost be thrown away in regular landfills. The middle range of materials are almost always kept on site through the entire life of the nuclear plant. Through the lifetime of the plant that material will naturally decay away and by the time the plant is decommissioned only a fraction will be left to handle storage for a while longer from the most recent years.

    Nuclear waste can be divided into four different types:

    1. Very low-level waste: Waste suitable for near-surface landfills, requiring lower containment and isolation.
    2. Low-level waste: Waste needing robust containment for up to a few hundred years, suitable for disposal in engineered near-surface facilities.
    3. Intermediate-level waste: Waste that requires a greater degree of containment and isolation than that provided by near-surface disposal.
    4. High-level waste: Waste is disposed of in deep, stable geological formations, typically several hundred meters below the surface.

    Despite safety concerns, high-level radioactive waste constitutes less than 0.25% of total radioactive waste reported to the IAEA.
    These numbers are worldwide for the last 4 years:

  • It gets so annoying trying to explain just basic inflation to idiots saying minimum wage doesn’t need to be changed. Not to even get into actual increases since we’re producing so much more now than we used to.

    For those that don’t understand… $1.00 in 1950 has the same value as $13.04 in 2024. So if we take the $0.75/hr minimum wage from 1950 and just calculate for inflation alone, we would be at $9.78 to have the same buying power. That assumes prices didn’t actually increase at all, just matching inflation. So anyone making minimum is making 26% less than they would have in 1955.

    And that doesn’t take into account ANY increases in actual prices of products or basic necessities like food and housing, or education, beyond basic inflation. We all know that nothing has increased in price by only inflation over the last 70+ years. Basic necessity pricing has shot up way more than inflation in the past couple years alone.

    And it’s nearly impossible to explain to those same people how a progressive tax structure works. No, you aren’t making less money overall just because a simple raise moves you into a higher tax bracket. There are certain situations that could, but you would have to have a very specific and strange portfolio for that to be the case. Something a regular average worker wouldn’t have.

  • It’s not necessarily about usefulness but rather quantity and economics of scale.

    The number of people needing wheelchairs in the first place is pretty small compared to the population, and adding the additional caveat of those that can still use their legs fully to power what is effectively a bicycle, results in a venn diagram with an extremely tiny use case.

    The cost of a decent basic wheelchair (not AliExpress/Walmart shit) is already high. Adding the complexity of a bicycle on top of that just makes it more expensive. And then there’s insurance which almost certainly would tell you to kick rocks before they would even think of covering a fraction of the cost because it isn’t necessary.