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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • I get that, and it may come across as aggressive, true. That was not the intent. I’m not saying they are lying, I’m trying to say they should stop focusing only on “this group is the victim”, “this group is the predator”, which is the vibe that most people here give. And the other examples (which are pretty common everyday, not extreme, I think, though I did point one extreme case that people know.

    Also, it’s pretty tyring trying to write anything here on lemmy since every time you say something someone disagrees with you are “sea lioning”, “you are a troll” or “you are the bear”. (not you, check the other comments). Nobody goes tell them “You should remain calm and have civil conversation”, though.

  • Sure, if course, the goal is the make it safer for everyone. One if the ways to make it a safer and better place is to stop inducing females with the unbased fear that just by existing and being nearby a man they are going to be raped, killed or worse. Because it does not happen, and then it devolves into fucking sexism. And it’s not okay. Most men here will have never have raped, sexually assaulted nor been anything remotely violent towards women. Yet media/sociaty acts as if they all are! WTF how is that cool? Isn’t that the same as racism, ageism and other isms? Judging/presenting someone by the negative traits of few of their population?

    Plus legally in most countries a woman can get you drunk and or drugged and have sex with you against your will or consent and it’s legally okay, but the opposite is not true. You can be a male musician, like say, Justin Bieber or the guy playing guitar on the metro and be CONSTANTLY interrupted and harassed by women and noone bats an eye. Hell, I said male a couple times, if I said female referring to a woman everyone would lose their shit!

    First step to make thinks safer/better for everyone is stop fear mongering and demonizing one group, that’s what I’m saying.

  • What if we cannot afford the space of keeping everything backed uo forever? What if it has been a year? Where do we put the limits to “okay, this is stupid” and “this is perfectably reasonable”? What if the action cannot be reversed, and after deletion you need to anonimyze particularly sensitive data?

    I say to all that, READ THE FUCKING MANUAL. If you are not apt enough to read and research about the software, you are not apt enough to use it.

    Same with hardware. You cut your finger because you didnt follow instructions clearly laid out for you not to cut your finger when using a saw? Maybe sawing was not for you mate

  • It’s literally impossible. I’ve seen programs ask three times to confirm a deletion, with big warnings, really emphasized. Saying it’s permanent all three times.

    Then the fuckers contacted us at tech support and go all like “hurr durr I just deleted my project can I have it back”.

    NO YOU LITTLE DIPSHIT YOU CANNOT. We did have backups though, most of the time (if it was recent) but it took well over a couple hours to properly restore, so we only did it if they asked nicely and behaved.

    TL;DR People are stupid, no such thing as dump proofing. What needs to be done is hold people to higher standards and force to educate themselves or GTFO.