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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023

  • Worst is when someone fucked up the DB time configs at some point and you have datetimes in a column that fall during the “nonexistent” hour in which clocks skip ahead for DST, and you have to figure out what the fuck actually happened there, and where in the data pipeline tz data was either added or stripped (sometimes it’s both, and sometimes it’s not just once), and undo the timestamp fuckery.

    Source: did that this week. Was not super awesome.

  • I would recommend:

    • go on eBay and find some sort of cheap Lenovo/dell/hp thin client for your secondary node. You can find workable 1L-class boxes for around $100. You can get away with some of the older m700/710/900/910 tiny models, but the extensibility of the m720/920 tiny models is going to be much better.
    • for your primary, I think you’d probably be best off finding an old server tower with 8 3.5” bays - if you’re lucky and on-the-ball, you may be able to snipe something like this, but shipping is of course going to be a bitch. An alternative is to pick up another one of those thin clients (making sure it’s a model with USB3, but preferably 3.1 or 3.2 whatever the gen is (side note: fuck anyone involved with the USB versioning scheme, because it’s absolutely indecipherable) that can actually support meaningful data transfer, and then just find a cheap DAS and connect it to that node.

  • The lemmy.ml instance has been problematic for a while largely because it’s rife with tankies, but it’s gotten a lot worse lately, and the mods and admins are going kinda crazy over there banning people and censoring stuff.

    This is the fediverse working as intended. An instance gets shitty, and people migrate away from it to a better instance.

    The moderation issue over there is problematic, but at the end of the day, if that’s how the .ml admins want to play it, it’s kinda their call. There’s no appeal process - they are the ultimate authority for that instance. And the user base can stay or migrate, depending on whether they want to put up with that bullshit. In a way, it’s actually kinda cool to see the theory of fediverse user migration patterns actually play out in response to real life context.