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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • Hey my bad. Theres no personal attack here. I interpreted your response as rude, because your equivocation seems to ignore that I acknowledged oxidation and/or static as relevant factors like you suggested, and instead responds to a false reading of a silly position I don’t hold. I just don’t think they’re that significant, as in, storing your leftover unused grounds in a tin for a short time after grinding too much (read: a method of controlling oxidation) probably doesn’t deserve pushback.

    If the majority’s coffee is presumably more oxidised than OP’s; I don’t think it’s reasonable to assume that this is simply due to their collective ignorance about oxidation. And with that context, I don’t think it’s reasonable to answer a question about storing ground coffee with, “don’t do it”. Seems very Reddit. I doubt OP is grinding more than they need on purpose. But maybe you just missed/skipped that part of my comment. Either way, I’m open to my assumption being shown as incorrect, should anyone address it.

  • gila@lemm.eetoCoffee@lemmy.worldHow do you store your grounded coffee?
    2 months ago

    And any choice someone makes that is different to yours is a result of their ignorance.

    And it was worth derailing this harmless thread about OP’s hobby tins to explain this to me despite that I personally make the same choice.

    That’s not even an honest equivocation of what I said about coffee, just some um ackshually BS

  • gila@lemm.eetoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldReefer Madness
    3 months ago

    Canna industry vet here. Usually weed is not prescribed for smoking. Where it is, that’s unhealthy to the point that it casts doubt on the validity of the treatment plan. However this was not the case 20 years ago, as even during that short time knowledge about the urgency of smoking-related health outcomes has propagated much more widely. At that time it was judged by many doctors that on balance the smoking delivery method was agreeable in lieu of a better option - but now we have multiple. Thus, smoking as a prescribed delivery method would cast significant doubt over the validity of any treatment plan designed today. Most people just smoke what they’re given of their own accord.

  • gila@lemm.eetoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldReefer Madness
    3 months ago

    If your doctor prescribes you something for smoking, get a new doctor. That said, crack is the worst for your teeth due to clenching, and tobacco is the worst for pretty much everything else imaginable. Smoking generally is the unhealthiest habit people have, but it’s specifically due to inhaling the free radicals produced by combustion, not “a foreign substance” (we are all continuously breathing foreign substances). If you were just able to take out the combustion part somehow, you could- ah shit they’re already marketing it to kids

  • gila@lemm.eetomemes@lemmy.worldMore like Jeff Bozos
    3 months ago

    For me that number is only what’s left at the Amazon warehouse in my city. There’s always more stock or listings when I deselect ‘Delivered within 2 days’. Because Amazon warehouses in other cities can’t ship to me within 2 days, we’re too remote.

  • gila@lemm.eetoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldRIP in pieces
    3 months ago

    The Nazi enabler part being the bad side, you’re saying we should to reconcile this with the good side. I’m saying the good side is actually just some good shit that happened. Attributing it to Elon would be a mistake because of all of the times he did the same thing with the same intent and it never amounted to anything. For the truly good person, their opportunities to do good things would have been well exhausted before the Tesla opportunity arose. If we’re trying to balance the perception of how good we are it should be a function of the proportion of the things we do that are good vs. bad, not a function of how many things we have the means to try.

  • gila@lemm.eetoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldRIP in pieces
    3 months ago

    I don’t think it’s about whether what he did with Tesla is good (it is at least debatable whether it is unilaterally good given they are anti-competitive in the EV market). It’s rather about the pretense for the good thing. Elon isn’t driven to help the environment. The sum purpose of Tesla’s operations isn’t environmentalism, else they’d not be selling carbon credits to ICE manufacturers, incentivising them to avoid EV production.

    And it’s not even just that “the good” was only to make money, it’s that it’s as a member of the landed gentry he had the opportunity to throw many things at the wall that failed before the Tesla takeover stuck; his ‘intervention’ is simply a VC success story by happenstance.

    Taking this at face value, is what he did with Tesla really laudable at all? It is a lucky byproduct of elitism.

  • Hmm, ‘A special court’ possibly gives even too harsh an impression of a tenancy tribunal hearing to the 3rd-party litigation capital of the world! Mine was just over the phone, pre-covid, landlord was no show no answer, got the bond. The legal advice I got leading up to it was free and easy to access. To be fair though, OP is saying the landlord should need to legally justify withholding the bond in court by default, which isn’t exactly how it works in NZ, although the effect is similar in most cases.