• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • funnystuff97@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlNo doubts
    8 months ago

    Sure, but if you’re using the IVT as a proof that there was a point where there was indeed a “first chicken egg”, you still haven’t answered whether the first chicken egg came before the first chicken. Clearly there was a first egg and there was a first chicken, IVT proves this, but which came first? This depends on those definitions. We’d need to find exactly where it “passes over”, which could depend on who you ask.

    If you define a chicken as hatching from a chicken egg (“every chicken must have hatched from a chicken egg”), then the egg came first. If you define a chicken egg as an egg that was laid by a chicken (“all chicken eggs must have been laid by chickens”), then the chicken came first. And notice how these definitions are not necessarily mutually exclusive, leading to this whole philosophical issue in the first place.

    If, in a much more extremely broad sense, we’re asking which came first, chickens or eggs in general, then I think we could agree that eggs came first, as I believe creatures were laying eggs long before the first “chicken” emerged, for most definitions of “chicken”.

  • funnystuff97@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlNo doubts
    8 months ago

    I don’t think you can use the Intermediate Value Theorem to answer this. If taxonomists can entirely agree on one single path at each and every stage of evolution, the singular point of where an egg is now defined as a chicken egg where the egg that the creature which laid it hatched from is not a chicken egg–or vice versa, where a creature which is now defined as a chicken where its parents are not chickens–cannot be objectively determined. They’re human-defined lines, which makes this entirely a human philosophy problem in the first place.

    (EDIT: messed up the formatting of this image) I like this analogy here:

    I like this analogy here.

    It’s not completely relevant to this discussion, but it has some good points here. We can all agree that, at some point, it stopped being one color and started being another, but any method we use to draw that line would be arbitrary anyway. Maybe you take the hex code and find the point where the blue value is greater than the red value, but where is the text purple? Does purple even exist under this definition? Or maybe the text is red when, say, the hex for red is 80+% the total color value, blue for the opposite case, and purple for the in-between cases? But then, why 80% and not 90%? This is starting to sound really pretentious, but my point here is that in agreement to your last point, there’s no correct scientific answer to this problem.

    If a tree falls in the forest and nobody is around to hear it, does it make a sound? Of course it does.

  • If I were to guess, OP was a part of a different plan before and is switching to a new one. I think family plans are cheaper overall if you max out the number of people and everyone contributes, so families or groups of friends all link their accounts and pay fair shares? (EG: Nintendo online is $20/yr, but $40/yr for a family plan up to 8 accounts. If you get 8 friends together, that’s $5 per person, significantly cheaper than $20.)

    So if I’m understanding the plan and reading the error correctly, I believe OP was on one family plan and wanted to change their family to a different set of accounts, and Google said no. Which is indeed shitty, but it’s likely buried in their fine print somewhere (which doesn’t make it any less shitty).

    Or maybe OP wasn’t even a part of a family plan to begin with. OP, feel free to correct me.